The Student Room Group
depends how you define a crush imo. if you just mean that he fancies the pants off someone then thats just human nature, you cant help who you find attractive. on the other hand if he feels a deeper connection then i would take it as an indicator that something isnt right.
Reply 2
I think it's perfectly acceptable. It's pretty unnatural to be monogamous, so the fact that he can have a crush and (hopefully) not act on it is a testament to the strength of his relationship.
You can't help how you feel (for the most part) but you can help what you do about it.

As long as this doesn't manifest itself in cheating and other associated nasties, let the poor guy alone.

I think that humans are not designed to only care about one person. In fact, a firmly believe that a human is capable of truly loving more than one person at a time. But, we live in a largely monogamous society and so affection for more than you "one and only" is frowned upon. That said, I don't think caring/loving/fancying someone who is not your partner necessarily means anything is wrong.
Everybody has crushes, regardless if their in a relationship or not.
How somebody chooses to act upon that is the important thing. If someone acts on it, then yes its bad.

Its human biology for people to be attracted to other people, being in a relationship does not switch off this function in the human body.
Reply 5
You can't really help how you feel. It's perfectly normal to be in a relationship and find someone else attractive, it's happened to me in the past a few times. As long as you don't act on it, then I suppose it isn't really a problem but it happens to a lot of people. It's human nature.
Reply 6
Thanks for your feedback guys :smile:
Reply 7
It depends on the situation.

I'm in a long-term happy relationship and me and my boyfriend point out attractive people all the time - he's pretty, she's got great tits, I love his hair, wow she's gorgoeus etc. Just because we're in love, doesn't mean we're blind all of a sudden. there's nothing wrong with finding other people attractive. It's like appreciating a nice piece of art lol.

However, if this guy is wanting to take it further, then it's a bit of a problem. Admiring omebody is one thing, perhaps even the odd fantacy is acceptable - come on now, we're all human. But if he actually wants to act on it then that completely anoher thing.