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Fountain pens in exams..

Are you ok to use something like a Parker fountain pen in the exams? I know for Edexcel they are bringing in a few new rules due to how they're marking the papers this year (something about scanning them in). We haven't really been told much except to make sure we stay in the lines as that's the only bit that gets scanned and to use a 2B pencil or press very hard. So, anyone heard that fountain pens are a no-no?

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Reply 1
You should be fine so long as it's blue or black ink and you don't smudge. If you're genuinely worried, then it'll be somewhere on the Edexcel website under students' handbook/instructions for centres or similar.

Also, use a 2B pencil? What exam's this? I always thought you were never to use a pencil because it means that your answers can be changed.
I used fountain pens all through GCSE and they were damn annoying, so I've switched to 99p biros from Smiths now. :biggrin:
Reply 3
I used fountain pens all through GCSE and they were damn annoying, so I've switched to 99p biros from Smiths now. :biggrin:

I use fountain pens, and they'll show up - just use dark ink (deep blue or black) and it'll be fine.
They do nothing for my handwriting though - it's seriously illegible. I pity the examiner who marks my English lit/ economics exams.

EDIT: HB pencils should be fine, really. I've always been told not to use anything but. Oh well.
Are you allowed to use pencils? I've always wondered this - especially in Maths exams.
Reply 5
Wouldn't think it'd be much of a problem using a fountain pen - just make sure you don't smudge it! I used mine alot for GCSEs but i gave up.. i found it easier to use a normal biro.

As for pencil? We're always told its a big no no. Someone could come along and change it for all the exam board know!
Reply 6
Wouldn't think it'd be much of a problem using a fountain pen - just make sure you don't smudge it! I used mine alot for GCSEs but i gave up.. i found it easier to use a normal biro.

As for pencil? We're always told its a big no no. Someone could come along and change it for all the exam board know!

You are allowed to use pencils, but only for diagrams and graphs :smile:
Reply 7
Yeah, pencils are never allowed. But someone can just as easily change your answers if you'd written it in pen because they can just cross it out (like you would do if you made a mistake). So I don't think that argument really stands :s-smilie: I always work better in pencil in Maths so it's a shame we're not allowed to use it!
Reply 8
disarm you with a smile
Are you allowed to use pencils? I've always wondered this - especially in Maths exams.

i did a gcse maths paper in year 10 (it was a real gcse module) in pencil, and they still marked it. we were never told you couldnt so i just assumed you could. i guess your not meant to, but they still marked mine so it cant be that much of a problem.
Reply 9
I did the C1 paper in pencil! Oh no will that be ok?? It didn't say on the front that you couldn't use pencil so I just did.
I haven't used fountain pens since primary school lol :p:

I use regular black biros from Smiths
I did the C1 paper in pencil! Oh no will that be ok?? It didn't say on the front that you couldn't use pencil so I just did.

I don't think examiners like pencil..usually they say to write in blue/black ink..because with pencil answers can be altered unknowingly etc..
I've used fountain pens for GCSE's and my a-level exams, and they photocopy well and are easily marked - the ink seems to flow over my scratchy handwriting better - I use blue/black ink - a v.dark blue that show up very well on exam papers. (I use lamy's blue/black bottle ink, but schaeffer make a cartridge version too)
I'd personally stick to a black or dark blue pen just to be on the safe side because as well as being able to rub out pencil, it doesn't show up well when scanned/photocopied. I hate fountain pens myself, they're so messy! Although that could just be my inability to use them properly :p: But I'd be worried about everything smudging and becoming illegible, which it sometimes does when you're writing quickly. I always stick to black biros/ballpoints in exams, even though I prefer black rollerball ink/gel pens normally.
Reply 14
I prefer fountain pens, the ink flows better and doesn't hurt my hand as much in long exams, but unfortunately yesterday I had to change cartidge halfway through, only there was still a little bit of ink left in the bottom and my invigilator knocked the nearly empty cartridge off the table and got ink all over his trousers!!! Maybe I will use a biro next time!
I always use biro for writing, my fountain pen writing is appalling (well - worse than my biro writing, which is pretty bad itself). The fact I'm left handed so I just smudge the wet ink probably doesn't help.

IIRC pencils are for graphs / diagrams / sketches only? I sometimes use them when I'm doing something in rough, then cross it out and write it out properly (or like when doing some complex integration, I might differentiate it in pencil to see if I'm right).
Reply 16
I use a calligraphy fountain pen with bottled ink in exams and there are no problems. :smile:
Reply 17
My writing is a lot more legible with fountain pens, and I much prefer writing with them. So if they were banned for some reason I would be much aggrieved!
Reply 18
Lusus Naturae
I use a calligraphy fountain pen with bottled ink in exams and there are no problems. :smile:

I just LOL'd when I read that with your avatar :biggrin:
Reply 19
I just LOL'd when I read that with your avatar :biggrin:

Huh? :confused: