The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Finally someone else on here going to LS! I cant actually remember where im living, off my memory Block A, Room 4, but i cant be bothered to get up off my bottom to check. Where are you staying?
yea i found others!! woo lol i sent my tenancy off bout 2 days ago. room 116 i i think nt sure x x
Reply 3
I'm in Block A too! Cool hey, glad to have found others! Have you been to see it? xxx
i was up there 4 open day. def room 116 block B.cnt w8 2 leave home!!
I was in Block A, Flat 14, Room 1 this year.

Next year I'll be in Block G on the ground floor... but don't know the room number yet.

I should warn those who might be staying in A14 that room 1 is - for me - BLOODY tiny!

Best of luck to all you Lennonians, past present and future ^_^
Reply 6
Hiya everyone,

I was wondering if some of you could help me?! I am staying in lennon studios for the upcoming year and have also just sorted out my tenancy agreement.I know that I am staying in room 7, flat 020 but do not have a block number like you guys?! Dont suppose you coud tell me where to find out which block I will be in? As it does not state it on my tenancy agreement.

Also just wanted to know when you are all thinking about moving in? As the tenancy start date is the 8th sep 2007, however they advise you not to move in then on the website.

Hope one of you can help, it will be much appreciated,

Thank you,x:smile:
Judging by the looks of things, you'll be in Block B (I know people in flats 16-17 who are in Block B).
Reply 8
Ahahahaha, I misread the title of this thread, I thought this was about 'Lennon Studies' oops, I thought that would be quite the odd degree :redface:
Ahahahaha, I misread the title of this thread, I thought this was about 'Lennon Studies' oops, I thought that would be quite the odd degree :redface:

XD Are you going to Lennon Studios next year?
Reply 10
heh, nope, just thought i saw Lennon Studies on the main page and thought wtf
You're in Leicester, so I should assume not!
Reply 12
Indeed, need to go and visit my friend in Liverpool soon though, never been there.
Indeed, need to go and visit my friend in Liverpool soon though, never been there.

Oh, you're in for a treat! Liverpool ROCKS!
Reply 14
I'm in Block A, flat 105. Does anyone know if thats near to ground floor? Or near the top floor? lol x
Block A:s-smilie:?! I swear Block A only has flats 2-14!

If you're Flat 105 you must be either in G or H Block... or a different lot of flats altogether!
Reply 16
I've only just recieved my tenancy agreement, but i've got a place at lennon studios! flat 004, dont know what block its in though because it doesnt say it anywhere in my agreement. I havn't been to see it though, how does it look? cant wait to move in!xxx
Reply 17
Lennon is nice i thought...well from what I saw of it!! Its near the student union...which is good. I have got a place there in flat 20. So im guessing we will be in the same block?! Im just going to ring and find out tho. The rooms are abit small but i spose most student accom is. I have chosen leenon as its so close to the building that I am going to be studying in. You will like it tho...dont worry!x
I've only just recieved my tenancy agreement, but i've got a place at lennon studios! flat 004, dont know what block its in though because it doesnt say it anywhere in my agreement. I havn't been to see it though, how does it look? cant wait to move in!xxx

Flat 4 is in Block A. However, I can't answer what it looks like as I've never been in it! Shold imagine it's the same as the rest of that block, though.

A14 has a biggish kitchen/hanging out area with a breakfast bar, small cooking area and a TV with ..... not quite Freeview, not quite Sky channels on it.
Reply 19
Kewl, i have no idea about student accommodation, was a rushed decision really, was originally planning to stay at home. Any1 else doing business studies, or anything business related? i think lennon studios is near the businessy bit, if not iv no idea why i picked it..