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Reply 1
Common people.. tell me how do u do it? !!!! :s-smilie:
Reply 2
I think that when it goes in my relationship, the trick would be to spend LESS time together - we're always together! People have started to call us by a collective name :redface:
Reply 3
Well.. How do u all maintain ur relationships so that they dont go dull after sometime?

Aha! Therein lies the problem.

All you're interested in is keeping things the way they are. Change is inevitable; either something gets better or worse. Take the England football team, for example. It certainly hasn't stayed the same since Eriksson/Beckham left.

Stop kidding yourself about maintaining your current situation and get with progressing, developing and growing it instead. :biggrin:
Reply 4
I think that when it goes in my relationship, the trick would be to spend LESS time together - we're always together! People have started to call us by a collective name :redface:

Axelica/Jessxel? :wink:
Reply 5
Common people.. tell me how do u do it? !!!!

I usually find that spending more time together is a good thing. Try and rediscover what made you start the relationship in the first place.

did I not?
Stop talking to each other, dont go on a 'break' exactly, just a little space to relite that flame. Or just do stuff out of your ordinary routines, go out to places you've never been before..
Reply 7
Danny Zuko
Axelica/Jessxel? :wink:

... Jexel ...

Wow, I am seriously sad. And I thought from your post that perhaps you knew me in real life, before realising that you just guessed well.
Have plenty of mutual and separate friends so you can hang out just the two of you, the two of you with other mates, and on your own with your own mates. I live with my bf so we have to keep it from getting boring too, because that's the last thing you want. I'd say just have plenty of fun together, and plenty of fun apart. That way, you always have plenty to talk about.
Break up with her once a month, or thereabouts. It will keep her on her toes which means you will never get stuck in a rut.

Christ, I'm a genius.
Take some time out, go out with your mates or do something without each other then we yoiu meet up again it'll be so much nicer.
Reply 11
Strap-ons. :smile:
Reply 12
I actually meet her once a week !! We talk daily though and when ever we meet, we really feel for eachother.. both of us have missed each other but this is going on for 2 years now.. So even meeting once a week is getting a litttttttllllleeeee but boring.
I actually meet her once a week !! We talk daily though and when ever we meet, we really feel for eachother.. both of us have missed each other but this is going on for 2 years now.. So even meeting once a week is getting a litttttttllllleeeee but boring.

:mute: That's not a good sign
this started happening between me and my boyf. i feel sometimes its good to spend a little time away, or less time together. go somewhere different. or have a night in together watching dvds. surprise her with a present.
Reply 15
Break up with her once a month, or thereabouts. It will keep her on her toes which means you will never get stuck in a rut.

Christ, I'm a genius.

Excellent advice, I'd also try cheating on her maybe a few times a year, that will definitely keep the relationship drama going.

Jealousy is also a great passion igniter, constantly talk about other people you find attractive and what you'd like to do with them in front of her.
I would say less time together but once a week isn't that much as it is. For me a week without seeing my boyfriend feels like a big break!
Break up with her once a month, or thereabouts. It will keep her on her toes which means you will never get stuck in a rut.

Christ, I'm a genius.

Excellent advice, I'd also try cheating on her maybe a few times a year, that will definitely keep the relationship drama going.

Jealousy is also a great passion igniter, constantly talk about other people you find attractive and what you'd like to do with them in front of her.

Laughing my arse off. :biggrin:
Excellent advice, I'd also try cheating on her maybe a few times a year, that will definitely keep the relationship drama going.

Jealousy is also a great passion igniter, constantly talk about other people you find attractive and what you'd like to do with them in front of her.

Listen to the man -zach-. He knows his stuff.
Reply 19
U guys r jus flipping n flopping the topic. I didnt really get anything out of ur comments. Well yeah I do know one week would be a big break for most of u.. but it doesnt bother us, I dont know y.
Maybe we could be closer if we spent "more" time together or maybe not. Wer planning to travel this summer lol sounds good but wer jus gona be at the other end of the country and just for a week. And its a 12 hour drive to reach that place and that itself scares me.. how the hell will we spend the 12 hours.. i know when the time comes its gona pass but I dont know y i have this feeling that she might get bored or I might get bored. Although wev loads of things planned for the summer.. man i kinda doubt my relationship.. its not as strong as it was :frown: