The Student Room Group

Ill before exams-advice?

Hi I have been ill for the last month and was diagnosed with a virus close to glandular fever on the 30th april. My exams start on the 6th june and I have sent one doctors note in to school.

Most of the time I have been off school and have been at school for the most of 2 weeks. When off school I have had high temperatures, tiredness, feeling sick all the time...and so on. Is there anything else I should do? Any advice? I have still not recovered completely and the exams are looming.

Thankyou for your time.
Reply 1
Glandular fever is nasty, hope you're well again soon.

As to the exams, if you've got a doctor's note, I think you can apply for mitigating circumstances. Talk to your school's exams officer and ask what your options are.
Reply 2
I would aswell, clearly you have a diagnosed illness and not just a cold. Make sure the exam officer understands your situation.

And for your illness, make sure you take it easy and take the right medicine

Reply 3
One of my friends managed to fail most of her A-levels and still got into Oxford. She had glandular fever.

Don't worry, if you're genuinely ill, it's not going to mess up your prospects. Mitigating circumstances will be taken into account.
Reply 4
would it be wise for me to send a copy of a recent doctors letter to UCAS and my firm choice (newcastle). The annoying problem is that Im starting to get better and in my eyes I'm taking the hardest subjects (Maths, Physics, Chemistry) and I have forgotten most of C3, C4 maths, dont understand physics anymore and the revision for me has only begun in the last week.

Even if I do get in to the uni of choice, what would you say to a future employer who is looking at your a level results?
I would definitely speak to your exams officer as he/she will be able to advise you about how to go about applying for mitigating circumstances, and also making arrangements for rest breaks for example, for any exams you may be able to sit. I would also get in contact with your firm choice and explain the situation to them, and see how they might accommodate you due to the circumstances. The doctor's note should help with both of these.