The Student Room Group

My theifing bro -How can he be stopped?

My brother is a thief. (17) I am fuming! :mad:
my parents have never left him sort of money, nor is he spoilt, but giving him an allowance, and EMA money, he STILL steals off me and my mum.

I noticed money going from my purse sometime ago, and accused my bro of taking it. (blah blah cutting a long story short, it was him, i know he took it).

Mum basically told me not to leave my purse around. so i didn't.
when i was 16, (now 18) i got a cash tin, with a lock, and 3 keys. I gave 1 to my mum, 'just incase' (whatever) and hid the other two for myself. recently, i have noticed money going quickly, and a really couldn't account for where the money was going. i put it down to losing track of how many driving lessons i'd had.
Anyway.... mum was going thru my bros pockets so she could wash his jeans. then she found my spare key!!
I knew instantly that he had been the one takening my money.
my mum n dad sat him down, and he confested he had taken some. (after there was no way he could deny it any longer)
he had taken well over 100 pounds. :mad: :frown: :mad:
the thing is, hes spent it on taxis, takeaways, fags etc. He ins't a particulary bad person. I think hes got in with a bad crowd.
The worse thing is, he has done the same to my mum. And stolen hundreds of pounds. so she couldn't afford to pay the electrician, or lend me some money that she was going to do so i could buy a much needed little car. (i live in the middle of nowhere, with no public transport)

Now i can't look at him. I hate him. I didn't get on with him before, and my mum is SO upset. He has been made to live with my dad for the time being. I wanted to call the police. but this would mean he would get a criminal record. and really, he has already not got much going for him. (hes too lazy to even get coursework in for his GCSE resits)
I guess I needed to get this off my chest. thanks for reading it!
any advice or thoughts, or if something similar has happened to u, id appriciate it!
cheers! :smile:

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Break his thieving little fingers.
Reply 2
an eye for an eye..
...makes us all blind. - Gandhi.
Reply 4
Smack the fool.
...makes us all blind. - Gandhi.

I have two eyes :smile:
Fluent in Lies
I have two eyes :smile:

Are you questioning Gandhi? :eek:
My sister went through the same phase of stealing and its really horrible for everyone involved. :frown: Especially your mum, I can imagine how upset she is for you because my mum was the same for me, it is really such a ****ty thing to do by your brother.

I had about £80 saved up as part as my holiday money and guess what happend to it... :frown: she also kept wearing all my clothes and ruining them (like walking on the backs of my jeans and just downright loosing bits of jewelrry and then laughing about how she didnt even remember loosing it:mad: I obviously never saw them again..I did get about £40 back though but that is definatley not the point.

She ended up getting into ALOT of debt (about 6 grand) with the bank and pretty much nothing to show for it- except an increase in paranoia and turning really weird. (Yeah we should so legalise cannabis...eugh!), oh actually I think she went to Blackpool for the weekend..once!

The most annoying thing is that if you increase your security and show how upset you are to them the theif then gets annoyed at you for 'going on about it' as if they havent done anything wrong.

What happend with her is my mum just said she was going to kick her out completely (my dad, unlike yours refused to have her live with him or really see the seriousness of it saying 'shes made her mistakes' as if she'd stolen bread!) and we just showed her how upset and annoyed we were with her all the time until some sort of guilt surfaced..she still hasnt ever apologised. It got alot worse before (this lasted about a year) it got better but she has not seen the error of her ways and got a job and has a place at uni in sept.

I feel how annoyed you are and how selfish your brother is being, but there isnt much you now can do its up to him to see the error of his ways and hopefully things will turn out for the best.

Hope your ok x
tell the cops, let him spend a little time in jail
My brother is like that. I'm the youngest in the family, I just wish they would kick my brother out the house. I really don't think there is much you can do to help. I know that sounds bad, but if your brother wont realise what he's done wrong the first time, he certainly wont the second and third.
Reply 10
Perhaps he is addicted to heroin?
There is another thread about someone's little sister who stole money from family and shoplifted, check it out. It's called "revelations about my little sister" or something.

I would say that if he has reached 17 and has not realised that stealing in this manner is evil, then a spate behind bars would do him good.

Your family has to be firm about this, and not let him get away with destructive crinimal activity just because you are related to him. He clearly doesn't care about family.
Tell the police and press charges, being his first offence, he'll probably get off. But it gets him a criminal record. Sure, he's go nothing going for him, but maybe a criminal record will stimulate him to work towards something and being not such a lazy bastard? When he figures how dangerous dropping his soap in the shower could potentially be, he'll stop stealing and turn his life around?

If that doesn't work, the old IRA torture methods work pretty well, boltcropper off a finger or thumb every time he steals something. Before long he won't have any fingers to steal anything with, and he has a lasting legacy which will remind him forever of his crimes:smile: And if he still continues to steal stuff, start on his toes, and if that doesn't work, well maybe he isn't the thief after all:frown:
Oh, and it will escalate, you've got to be pretty daring to steal from your family, next it could be cars, etc. The longer his criminal record gets, the more likely he will get properly punished for his crimes.
Schmokie Dragon

Your family has to be firm about this, and not let him get away with destructive crinimal activity just because you are related to him. He clearly doesn't care about family.

I don't think its that he doesnt care, its more that he cares more about whatever activities hes getting up to with this 'bad crowd' to be honest its probably quite likely hes into some sort of drugs.

If they did report it to the police they don't actually have any hard-core evidence of the stealing? So surely the case would get dropped? I dont think giving him a criminal record anyway would push him to work harder, hes more likely to go the other way and get even worse!

There isnt much anyone can really do, he needs to see for himself how much he is hurting his family!
It seems a bit medieval to me that you and your mum are keeping all this cash around your house, prime for the taking.

Get a bank account and keep him out of your monetary affairs that way. I realise that he could still steal other items but it is a start.
Reply 16
cut off his
It seems a bit medieval to me that you and your mum are keeping all this cash around your house, prime for the taking.

Get a bank account and keep him out of your monetary affairs that way. I realise that he could still steal other items but it is a start.

As if its that easy! The money has clearly been taken over time, and its also the principle of the thing, the home is the last place money should be safe and you shouldnt have to hide your handbag! Although obviously now they are aware of him, they can hide it more. But sometimes you just keep money in your purse out of convinience.
lop his ****ing hands off.
Are you questioning Gandhi? :eek:

No I'm interrogating him!