The Student Room Group

First car...Peugeot 206, Clio or Corsa...decisions decisions

So, apparently my first choice of a Rover 25 is a no go and I have come up with the above 3 as alternatives. I have around three grand to spend and want something fairly small but not tiny. I'll regularly be doing LONG trips (300+ miles each way) so reliability is a big thing for me.

According to my dad (the grim reaper when it comes to car buying) 206s are 'known' for the engine dying at high speed and so I should avoid them at all costs. However I really like them and they seem good value....

Any thoughts on those v the clio and corsa? I'm looking at 2002/2003 ones mostly.

Ta much :biggrin:

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Clio 1.5 dci :smile:
Reply 2
I think the problem with 206s cutting out at motorway speeds was fairly limited- and I think it was fixed via a recall. Not 100% sure tho.
Reply 3
lol, those are the exact 3 cars i'm looking at at the minute. my first choice is the 206 - mainly cos i like the look of it. 2nd choice is a corsa cos i learnt in one, & 3rd is clio cos i like the look of them aswell. i take it you've heard the thing about the bonnets on clios? i know nothing about it really, i just know the basics, but i'd read up on it before buying one!
Yeah my dad was the bearer of bad news about the clio hoods aswell, tho he claims it was on a specific model which isn't the one I'm looking at buying. Lucky me eh
If you don't shut your bonnet properly, it might open at speed, it happens on all cars, not specifically Clios. VOSA independently reviewed the Clio mechanism and found no fault. Renault have offered - despite the lack of requirement for a recall - a free check on all Clios to ensure the catch is in working condition and that the driver knows how to shut the bonnet...

If you're doing a decent milage, the Clio dci is by far the best choice.
Reply 6
206 HDi (don't bother with the 1.1 esp), Clio dci sounds like a good choice I agree, don't like Corsa's...
Would much rather take an '99- model Ibiza TDI over any of those, or maybe a 1.4 Polo.
Reply 7
If you don't shut your bonnet properly, it might open at speed, it happens on all cars, not specifically Clios. VOSA independently reviewed the Clio mechanism and found no fault. Renault have offered - despite the lack of requirement for a recall - a free check on all Clios to ensure the catch is in working condition and that the driver knows how to shut the bonnet...

which is why you're not allowed to do a driving test in one unless you can prove its been checked? clearly not quite as simple as just not being shut properly!

Vehicles listed below are not subject to a recall – however the candidate is required to provide evidence from the dealer showing that the vehicle has been checked.

Just joining a bandwagon. I do believe Renault and VOSA know better than the DSA; a group of driving examiners.

LOL, that's now even the whole story:
The evidence required is one of the following:

A current MOT certificate;

A Renault dealer service confirmation stamp dated from 1 February 07 that is less than 12 months old on the date of the test, or

Specific written confirmation from a Renault dealer that the bonnet catch has been checked. This confirmation must be less than 12 months old on the date of the test.

i.e. the car needs to have either been serviced or MOTd.

And oh look:
Reply 9
Clio diesel, or if you can find one (will be cheaper than the clio but same engine and chassis) a Saxo diesel :wink:
Reply 10
Except the Saxo diesel is non-turbo, unrefined and slow... Most versions of the Clio dci have considerably more power and do an extra 10mpg, as well as being in a better looking/safer body.
The Saxo is nothing to do with the Clio, the Saxo is the same platform as the 106.

The Clio 1.5 dci is in a different league to any Saxo or 106 diesel :wink: The Clio dci (65) will do 60 MPG day in day out in normal town driving and 70+ MPG in a run. Real figures too, not impossible to achieve figures. The 80 bhp (and 85 bhp in later versions) are even more econmical. The 100 bhp (and 105 bhp in the later versions) has similar economy but is much rarer.
Reply 12
I would say clio, but then i'm slightly biased as it was my first car. Loved it though was pretty nippy and fairly cheap for the insurance. But then again I have just bought a 206 1.4 and the insureance was a 100 pounds cheaper compared to the clio 1.2 I was looking at. Had the quotes from the same company.
Reply 13
Reliability, £3k to spend, small but not tiny, want an 03.....2 Words: Fiat Punto.
Reply 14
I'd say a Clio as well.
Reply 15
Clio. Not a corsa, they're so boring.
Reliability, £3k to spend, small but not tiny, want an 03.....2 Words: Fiat Punto.

Headgasket's gone?!

Rover 25 diesel.

you'll never have a problem.
What's up with your coolant hose....:wink:
I've got a 2002 Clio 1.2 16v Extreme (ly slow). It's a nice little car, does the job and with really cheap insurance (£380 under my dad's name with me added). Had to do a new wheel bearing last month but apart from that it's all normal stuff (timing belt, service, 2 new front tyres).

I wanted a similar age Corsa (the lowest model with alloys) but was about £500 too poor, having said that, I'm perfectly happy with what I have. It handles really nicely as well.
What's up with your coolant hose....:wink:

Intercooler hose, and I'm not suprised, as I'm running 7psi more than usual!