The Student Room Group
I'm not sure what your problem is exactly...
Just say you love him when and if you feel you want to.
Reply 2
Do you feel anything for him? Does he rely on you for company? If he gets down without you then he is probably leaning on you too much.
If you like him but don't love him then tell him that you're veyr fond of him etc and excited about where the relationship is going but that you don't want to say anything before you are 100% sure.
Don't say it if you don't mean it.
Reply 3
The problem is probably that she's got a seriously clingy boyfriend. He gets down when you aren't there? Can he really not live his life unless you are there with him?
The problem is probably that she's got a seriously clingy boyfriend. He gets down when you aren't there? Can he really not live his life unless you are there with him?

Well...she didn't say he was seriously clingy. Just because you get a bit down doesn't mean you're some needy freak. However, if he is really extreme OP then you might want to just have a good old-fashioned talk about it...
I'm not sure what your problem is exactly...
Just say you love him when and if you feel you want to.

exactly, only tell him when you feel the same way.
Reply 6
Do NOT lie about this sort of thing. In this instance, false hope is crueller than no hope. Explain that you're not in love just yet, and that you should carry on as before; and later on, who knows.

If you like him but don't love him then tell him that you're veyr fond of him etc and excited about where the relationship is going but that you don't want to say anything before you are 100% sure.
Don't say it if you don't mean it.

That, to me, sounds like a perfect answer.
Reply 8
Well...she didn't say he was seriously clingy. Just because you get a bit down doesn't mean you're some needy freak. However, if he is really extreme OP then you might want to just have a good old-fashioned talk about it...

Yoda is with 3232. While she didn't use the phrase "seriously clingy", she pretty well described it.
Reply 9
I agree with 3232 and Yoda. A guy who has no fun outside of being with you will lose value and attractiveness quite quickly.
