The Student Room Group
Get an old door or some massive hard board and put it under your mattress. Might hell you - certainly more than the floor would - they can be really uncomfortable and do more damage to you - if through nothing else but sleeplesness - I speak frome experience of having three poor nights asleep on the floor when visitn a mate last month.
you might feel REALLY weird doing this, but try pilates. i had a car crash and i was in a lot of pain for ages. then one day i tried a pilates cd and it was AMAZING!! i didnt feel the pain in my back for about a week, after feeling it every day. the cd makes u bend over and open up your vertebrae and stuff, and if you do the whole cd u will feel great (hopefully!)

it might be at least worth a try
Reply 3
I find high-strength codeine-based painkillers do the trick. :smile:
Reply 4
I'm liking the ideas. Thankyou.

Just to add to it... and not to give cause for concern, but it would appear to have spread a little.

The muscles in my chest this morning feel exceptionally tight and the pain in my back hasn't gone away. It's sort of middle back at the bottom of my shoulder blades.

Am I dying yet, or do I just need to rest it etc?

I don't want to go through the annoyance of a doctor yet.
Reply 5
Have you thought about taking some anti-inflammatory pills? (Ibuprofen) It could ease the muscle pain and at least make you forget about the dying thoughts. You've probably just strained a muscle in your back, if it were anything more serious than that you'd probably know about it (ie it would hurt a lot, too much not to go to a doctor) and generally back problems are caused by movement, not sleeping funny. So take the ibuprofen to ease the pain and then just rest (on a comfy bed, not on the floor).
Reply 6
Aye, I stopped being silly and spoke to NHS direct. They told me I'd probably just hurt a muscle. They went through loads of stuff and I didn't have any of it, so I'm fine.

So long as I'm not dying I can deal with the pain.
