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Reply 1
i consider mine a bit of a sweethearts story:
basically i met a guy about 4 years ago -through a musical festival that brought together a few local schools. Somehow my friends and his friends all talked and started meeting up at the weekends. i first met him properly at a travelling fair that was in town (we were with other friends) and i thought he was sweet but randon (he had purple hair at that point). then our friends started hanging out more and more and i fell for him him, so did my friend, he liked my friend, and they dated on and off for a while. we had one moment before he ended up with my friend where were hugged and held hands and stuff, but then it just didnt happen for us - i then fell for his best friend and he ended up with my mate - we went on double dates and everything and at this point i was happy with this other guy so didn't think of him in any other way.
i was with his mate for nearly 2 years but it wasnt a happy realtionship and i was still mates with this guy. he was single and in and out of small relationships and at various points we were attracted to each other but for obvious reasons did nothing.
it always seemed like our timing was out

then my boyf left me for my friend and overnight i was devastated and heartbrokwn (2 years is a long time)
i turned to this guy for comfort and we talked loads, we were on the phone for hours at a time.

after a month i realised i had feelings for him again, and they were deeper and stronger. so i told him (i also pointed out that i wasnt sure what to do as i had just come out of something heavy)

he said lets just wait and see

then a week or so later he turned to me and said he'd fallen for me.
i asked him wht he wanted to do (i.e. go out, or not)
and he just kissed me and said 'that's what i want to do'

and the rest (as they say) is history

it is special to me because it took us so long to end up together. it's been over a year and a half and at christmas i proposed to him in Paris. we're marrying in 3 years and i'm happier than ive ever been...
Reply 2
Why is it trolling???

Hehe, bit weird, but i have worked on Pantomimes for the past... 6 or 7 years doing sound. I absolutely loved it, was the highlight of the year (I know it sounds sad... i do love it though!) September wasn't when you started school, it was when the Panto contract came :p:

Then this year i met my perfect partner there...hehe. Not particularly 'sweet' or anything i don't suppose, it just made one thing i loved doing even better :smile: Hehe
Reply 3
Nothing soppy and romantic here i'm afraid, though i'd love to be whisked away to somewhere nice on holiday; a pretty european city or something like that ... lots of art and culture :smile:
Well I met my boyfriend almost 7 years ago. He lives and works in London so I rarely got to see him but we did text/phone each other a couple of times a week. Things became quiet but then just as I was starting my GCSE's we started to talk a few times a week. Things picked up this year and he's been to visit me a lot more. He recently told me that he wanted to be more than friends and that he really liked me and we're now together. It's not particularly romantic, lol, but it's special to me as we've known each other for so long and we're really good friends as well which is always good, lol.
Reply 5
I met my boyfriend at the Literature Society at university. He's the Treasurer and I'm the Secretary and we make a great team. We first kissed at one of the society events...It was a book club meeting! We're a success story for societies at uni. :smile:
Lol yes, please don't vomit after reading this, I know it's corny. But I love it.
Before we dated, my first bf really had to pursue me because I was so unsure, and I wasnt attracted to him, but we were really good mates despite that. One day, we were out going for a walk in a woodland area near his house, it was a really hot day so we didn't imagine for a second that it would suddenly start raining in torrents! We had to run back to his through sheets of rain because there was thunder and lightening and we were in the middle of nowhere lol. When we got back to his, we were literally soaked, and I remember walking into his bathroom and getting us some towels to dry down with. I remember walking into his bedroom, and he just sort of looked at me in this frustratingly melty way that he does, and took a towel from me and put into around me...and then put his arms around me...
We didn't kiss that day, but we didnt need to, it was the sweetest and most innocently romantic moment ever! Despite the fact that I looked like a drowned mongoose

Ok, feel free to vomit now.
Reply 7
^ Aww, that's so romantic :smile: A kiss would've been good though lol :wink:
^ Aww, that's so romantic :smile: A kiss would've been good though lol :wink:

a kiss would have been nice lol
though my hair, englarged from the rain, might have gotten in the way
Reply 9
Yes, I have a sweethearts story that happend to me.... How much time you got to read it? Well it's going to take a long time, to type. But to sum it up, Boy meets Girl they fall in love, but it's unrequited love.
Reply 10
how sweet guys!!:redface: :p: :smile:
Had basically decided, after a few awkward and to be honest damaging relationships that I just wasn't cut out for relationships, beneath it all I was terrified I just wasn't capable of liking someone. End of.

Went to uni with Worlds Most Jealous Boyfriend...gahh and ended up dropping out, depression, crazy arguments, possessiveness... the works.

Went to work, left said Psycho Boyfriend of 2 years and returned to uni with my head held high. Browsed facebook and saw a bloke I met on Freshers week in the previous uni. I'd thought he was arrogant and unfriendly, he thought I was cold and hostile. Needless to say, we were both mad about each other. Not that we'd have ever admitted it then :smile: Very Lizzie and Darcy dahling.

Got talking on MSN (me in my my life is poo mode, not looking to ever spend more than 5 mins in a bloke's company again) and everything came out - our deepest secrets, regrets, the lot. Turns out our lives had pretty much mirrored each others in all the time we'd been apart. I'd been through counselling, anti-depressants, so had he, both ended up in a really bad place for various reasons.

I drunkenly decided I was going to visit (nuts, completely nuts) and within a week we were sitting there on his bed wondering how the hell we'd cope apart.

Now I KNOW I'm normal, I really am so much in love with this man and I'm the last person in the world to be slushy!

I think life likes to catch us up sometimes, and I'm now 100% convinced in fate... I think we'd go a bit made if we didn't have a little bit of hope.

Hey if it can happen to me... HONESTLY... it can happen to anyone
Reply 12
Done the same thing with the stupid jealous / possessive psycho ex... Hacked my online bank, stole my money, posted pictures of me on dodgy websites etc... i know how you feel!!

After that decided enough was enough and i couldnt stand the hassle anymore so went out with the girls for a good time. One of my housemates introduced me to the rest of his sports team that he was out with and me and this guy ended up chatting about Karl Marx, Freud, Literature and Politics, it was like another world. The ex would have just thought they were foreign football players...

So we'd bump into each other every week when out and eventually end up staying awake til 4 / 5 am talking about politics and stuff... crazy i know. Just kind of escalated from there really... I now pretty much live at his, cook us and his housemates dinner, clean up and do whatever another housemate would do! cant think of a day we havent spent together for a long while now!!

Still not "official" as such but its gone on for too long to even talk about it know i think!! its just assumed ..

And now he's gone away to Scandinavia for 3 months to play sport for a team out there so i wont see him the whole summer... He only left this morning and :frown:

not a sweethearts story i dont think... but i'm happier than i've ever been :smile: xx
Done the same thing with the stupid jealous / possessive psycho ex... Hacked my online bank, stole my money, posted pictures of me on dodgy websites etc... i know how you feel!!

Haha!! EXACTLY the same! How do we find these people? My ex hacked my ebay account and bought samurai swords. NUTTER.

Aww you sound so happy! Me too! Yay happiness! And mine's a sucker for Karl Marx too and took us ages to be 'official' because well we never really thought we weren't.

Reply 14
Ok, I've told my story in another thread before, but, hey, I feel like telling it again, so here goes...

Started uni in 2001 (god, so long ago now) and really wasn't interested in meeting guys, I was just looking forward to making friends and enjoying my course. I'd never been that bothered about relationships, and though I'd had a couple of boyfriends before I'd never been that into them. I'd never met anyone who'd really bowled me over before. Enter M - gorgeous, a bit geeky, sooo cute and for the first time EVER I became giggly, red-in-the-face girl. Then I found out he had a girlfriend and I was sooo disappointed :frown: , but I got on with it and turned into a gibbering fool the few times I talked to him. Then I found out he and his girlfriend broke up and I was quite happy about that, but I thought I'd wait a while before thinking about making a move - go me for being all sensible. At this stage we weren't friends or anything, we'd just chatted a couple of times. Then we ended up on the same team in a pub quiz, we flirted a little bit and I stayed behind with him while he finished his pint at the end of the night. We started talking about the valentine's ball - he said he'd been hoping to go, I said my friends said they'd go with me but wouldn't, so we just kinda said "why don't we go together?" - it was so easy! Then he walked me to my taxi, and when we stopped to say goodbye, he said "will you be my girlfriend" (awwww), I said "yup" (so eloquent) and that was it. We kissed on the freezing street for the next two hours and I felt straight away like I'd found exactly the right person - I can't explain how it felt, it just felt "right." We spent all the time we could together from then on. A week later we told each other we loved each other, two months later he asked me to marry him. That was 5 years ago, and we're getting married next year (yes it was a loooong engagement but we were only 19 when we met.) I love him with all my heart and he's such a great guy - he still gives me tingles and butterflies and the whole lot. I can't wait to marry him :smile:

There you go, soptastic! god :biggrin:

That's soooooooooooooooooooo nice! YAY congrats
I dont have a particually sweet story but it may be considered to be so when we are old and crusty :smile:

Me and my boyfriend went to school together from the age of 11, in year 10 we did the same options conincidently and ended up in every lesson together. After a year or so of being with eachother all day ever day and texting in the evenings and over school holidays we went on a school trip to Berlin. We were together all the time, sat next to eachother on the coaches and planes. It was so brilliant. That was pretty much it, and 2 weeks after that during our mock exams we started going out and are still together all these years later :smile:
Reply 17
Ohhh i just :love: this thread! :biggrin:
Reply 18
*sigh* :redface:
Aww, some of these stories are so cute, i wish i had one to tell :frown: