The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Probably, or maybe next year, but it's likely she won't be able to get any better than a pass for the paper because it's a resit. Depends on the uni and course.
I know for sure if she is allowed she won't be able to get anymore than a minimal pass.
Reply 3
if you miss an exam the college can take the persons mock exam mark as the real thing or just show the standard the person was at..
I think what happens at my uni is you fill in a mitigation report explaining why you missed the exam and you can resit in September, but the maximum mark is capped at 40%, the pass mark.
Traffic can be terrible, but its such a used excuse that people find it hard to believe. It can be genuine (like a crash, lights not working) but you'll still get eyes rolling.
Reply 6
Bad traffic isn't the worst excuse I've heard. I know someone who missed one exam because they left their wallet in a taxi and had no money to get to uni...
she missed her WHOLE exam because of traffic?? --
A friend of mine missed an exam because he thought it was at 2 when it was at 10. He has to retake next year now.
I know you can file for mitigating circumstances but I'm not sure whether "bad traffic" is a good enough reason.

I missed two exams on Thursday just gone - I had acute gastritis with vomiting. I got a doctors note though. Uni says I can take the exams next week if I give them the doctors note, so that's okay.
she missed her WHOLE exam because of traffic?? --

If you're more than ~15mins late they often won't let you enter.
If you're more than ~15mins late they often won't let you enter.

Yeah they don't let anyone in after 15 minutes.
Reply 12
o dear... i think she would be better just to lie and make up a better excuse to be honest
o dear... i think she would be better just to lie and make up a better excuse to be honest

Problem is if she lies and gets found out lying, they can kick her out completely.
o dear... i think she would be better just to lie and make up a better excuse to be honest

The only problem with that is that you need proof though, eg a doctor's note if you were ill. They seem a lot stricter about mitigating circumstances at uni than they are at GCSE and A-level, eg I'm certain you wouldn't get 1% extra marks for having a headache :rolleyes:
Reply 15
My flatmate missed one of his exams. His excuse? He thought it was an afternoon exam and when he got to the exam hall he realised it was a morning exam.

He was obviously concerned about this so he trotted off to the SU for adive. They said he could just do the resit and it would be fine.

Of coarse, this topic depends on your uni and even your course. There's a whole host of variable factors... such as whether a pass in that module was needed to study a module next year (pre-requisite), what year you're in, what marks you need overall to pass the year (what I mean by this is that at some unis in your first year, you only need to pass a certain amount of modules).