The Student Room Group

Guy in club-should i take it further????

Basically last night i was out in a club and after dancing i sat down for abit.
Whilst i was sitting down, this guy was coming towards my direction. He was staring at me constantly.
Him and his mate went over to talk to my friend just to chat...and then eventually that guy came over to me.
When he started talking to me...he kept interrogating me..saying things like 'you look like you have so much attitude', 'you don't seem like a nice person', 'you need to smile more', 'oh i bet your one of these girls who spends the whole day grooming herself'.....etc. He literally just came out with stuff like this and was being very judgemental.
I told him what area of london i was from...and he thought it was very ghetto. He criticised the fact that i was doing an english degree as well. He actually is a doctor.
He basically just kept interrogating me. However when he found out more stuff about me..his opinion began to change.
In the end...he said how he finds me very very attractive..coz he liked how i stood up for myself while he was interrogating me. He asked if i would meet up with him on a date.
Im so confused....coz i took his number...but when i think back to how he was being very judgemental i didn't like it at all but im not sure if he was just testing me to see what kind of girl i am????
Should i take it further???? :confused:

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Don't, sounds like an utter control freak. You'll find yourself weeks down the line screaming to get out but him being so possesive you can't. Just get another guy :smile:
Reply 2
Attack is the best form of defense, so bear in mind his harsh words may just have been nerves. its the classic, boy at primary school throwing paper airplanes at the girl he fancies... it gets the attention on him and thats what he wants.

however... he may well just be an arrogant **** !!

its hard to judge really, so i'd say.. if you dont try you'll never know. Whats the worst that can happen.. he takes you out and is really a nasty person... but then you've had an evening out where no doubt he's paid!!!! You say, "sorry, not looking for anyone right now and i cant see this going anywhere but thanks for asking me out, it was very sweet of you" and thats that :smile:

who knows, he may well turn out to be the perfect gentleman... or just another date that didnt work out! it happens :smile: may as well see, you've nothing to lose have you? xxx
Reply 3
haha, I know a guy who does this - apparently it works every time! It's just a ploy, for him at least, to be 'different' and appear sensitive later in the conversation, appearing as though he actually gives a crap about you.

Reply 4
Attack is the best form of defense, so bear in mind his harsh words may just have been nerves. its the classic, boy at primary school throwing paper airplanes at the girl he fancies... it gets the attention on him and thats what he wants.

however... he may well just be an arrogant **** !!

its hard to judge really, so i'd say.. if you dont try you'll never know. Whats the worst that can happen.. he takes you out and is really a nasty person... but then you've had an evening out where no doubt he's paid!!!! You say, "sorry, not looking for anyone right now and i cant see this going anywhere but thanks for asking me out, it was very sweet of you" and thats that :smile:

who knows, he may well turn out to be the perfect gentleman... or just another date that didnt work out! it happens :smile: may as well see, you've nothing to lose have you? xxx

Yeh thats what i was thinking...but it's abit of a harsh way to get to know a girl??? or to ask a girl out???.....:eek:
Reply 5
Don't, sounds like an utter control freak. You'll find yourself weeks down the line screaming to get out but him being so possesive you can't. Just get another guy :smile:

Control Freak???...u think???
Reply 6
yeah it is a bit harsh - but lest not forget guys are very VERY strange!!!!
Reply 7
I'm just confused as to why a guy would want to talk to a girl like that???
Reply 8
nerves, trying to get the upper hand, trying to get attention... lots of things.

certainly made you look at him didnt it? and now you're posting here about him... so it had the desired effect!
Reply 9
nerves, trying to get the upper hand, trying to get attention... lots of things.

certainly made you look at him didnt it? and now you're posting here about him... so it had the desired effect!

Thats very true. I womdering if i was attracted to his arrogance or the fact that he's doctor.
Reply 10
yeah it is a bit harsh - but lest not forget guys are very VERY strange!!!!

Yeh guys are very strange and confusing
Reply 11
It sounds like you've fallen for his trick hook, line and sinker. When he was being judgemental to you, it will automatically make you think "why" and you'll begin to subconsciously seek his approval. When he does eventually show a 'sensitive' side, you feel validated. The question is: Do you actually like this guy? He seems a bit of a vindictive tit if you ask me.
Reply 12
if some random guy starting spouting things like that at me out of the blue, i'd have booted him in the balls and legged it.
It sounds like you've fallen for his trick hook, line and sinker. When he was being judgemental to you, it will automatically make you think "why" and you'll begin to subconsciously seeks his approval. When he does eventually show a 'sensitive' side, you feel validated. The question is: Do you actually like this guy? He seems a bit of a vindictive tit if you ask me.

now look wat uve done think of all the perfectly nice guys whove depended on this ploy that u have just ruined tut tut lol oh yh the guy is definietly a tit
Reply 14
When he started talking to me...he kept interrogating me..saying things like 'you look like you have so much attitude', 'you don't seem like a nice person', 'you need to smile more', 'oh i bet your one of these girls who spends the whole day grooming herself'.....etc. He literally just came out with stuff like this and was being very judgemental.
I told him what area of london i was from...and he thought it was very ghetto. He criticised the fact that i was doing an english degree as well.

It sounds to yoda as though he is just rather **** at flirting.
Reply 15
It sounds to yoda as though he is just rather **** at flirting.

:ditto: He sounds like a cock as well.
haha, I know a guy who does this - apparently it works every time! It's just a ploy, for him at least, to be 'different' and appear sensitive later in the conversation, appearing as though he actually gives a crap about you.


Sounds like he's just trying to get her into bed. lol.:p:
Reply 17
What a loser. Poor tactic and disappointing to see you almost fell for it, Dont.
Reply 18
Uh... well I wouldn't. Sounds a bit of a **** to me.
It sounds like a facade he's thrown up in order to seem like he's mysterious, different and weird. Hollywood has been telling us guys that it is this sort of outlook, personality and attitude that really hooks a girl's attention and affections, so you can't really blame him. Well, actually you can, because he sounds like a prick.