The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies. :smile:) Did you already sort out your accommodation by the way?
Reply 2
I found accommodation at Wadham, they have places at their Merfield site which they are now giving out to not Wadham students.. Seems really decent compared to flat shares..
Reply 3
Yeah, I saw that, but it's too much for me. My room is only 250/month :smile:

but does your include the bills? where is your place... I'll be tempted to look around if I can find a place inclusive of bills for 250.
Reply 4
Hey there,

this topic is quite old...are you two still at St Cross? I might be joining in October.
Reply 5
I think I'm going to be at St. Cross in October as well. Dphil in History.
Reply 6
I'm at St.Cross - if you got any questions let me know! :rolleyes:
Reply 7
Woohoo! Am going to be studying here for a bit soon-ish.
Reply 8
Hey WoWZa me too! What will you be studying and where are you living?
Reply 9
Don't suppose there's going to be halls accommodation close to St Cross before the term starts?
Reply 10
Anyone else going in to register today?
Thought I might bump this thread in the hope that there will be other St Cross-bound grads about?

I'll be starting the MSc African Studies in October, can't wait!
Yep, going for M.Phil Latin American Studies in October.

What is the deal with housing? It seems like a lot of first years have to get a place in town?
Yep, definitely looks that way. I'm in a bit of a 'special' position re: housing anyway as I'm moving to Oxford with my partner, so would probably always have had to find a place in town...but it's not a huge amount of fun. I have nightmares about council tax and homelessness.
Reply 14
purple_kitten, I just had to say hello, given a) the coincidence in user names 2) the fact we'll both be at St. Cross in the fall AND 3) the fact we're both looking for couples accommodations!
hi purplepuma! what's your subject/course?

couples accommodation not fun...we're viewing a couple of places next week but i wonder whether we're acting too soon really :s
Reply 16
Hi purple_kitten, I'll be doing a Social Science DPhil. How about you?

Based on what i've read so far from folks on TSR, we're leaning toward going into a temp room for a week or two and then looking and moving into an apartment; but we're still trying to figure it all out.
Reply 17
How is St CrosS??? Is it a really good college???
Reply 18
I just got an offer for St. Cross college to read a DPhil at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Since I will stay there for three-four years, the college is likely to have quite a relevant influence on my time at Oxford, and I would like to know more about it.

Could you tell me more about the college, and its pros and cons?

It does not seem to be among the most prestigious. Is that actually an important component?

Thank you very much in advance for your input! :smile:
You will generally find that the name of the college doesn't come up alot in conversations since its focussed entirely on graduates, and because in Oxford terms it is a new college.

It does have a lot going for it though, its grounds are of a high standard and being a centrally located college is close to every shop in Oxford and most of the libraries.
They were supposed to be developing new buildings for accommodation and studying this year but the last I heard the council rejected the plans and they were appealing it :/ but I'm sure that will actually happen during your time there.

How 'prestigious' a college is, is of no importance. Your successes within your chosen field is all that matters.
(edited 10 years ago)