The Student Room Group

What to say to him...

There is this guy who Is a friend of mine, known him for five years and last night, I got quite drunkard but I also got very upset about the death of my half brother who committed suicide 3 months ago. I did not know him well but it has really affected me.

Anyway, like I said, I got upset and this guy is one of the few people I have told, he is a really nice guy and so I talked to him about it for ages and cried on him for quite a while too. I said things about how I felt that I would never have said to anyone else. I don't know why. I don't think It was because I was drunk but because he is easy to talk to and comforts me. I feel better talking to someone, and he is the only person i can talk to, even when drunk lol.

But he has got a girlfriend.. one of my very good friends and I figured that she may have gotten a bit annoyed that i was with him for such a while and he was hugging me a lot whilst i cried on him :s-smilie: I mean...i have loads of other friends who are girls or are single guys so why couldn't I just talk to them rather than picking her boyfriend out of everyone, is possibly how she may be feeling?

I really want to thank this guy for being there for me but don't know how to go about it without seeming weird, like I fancy him (which I don't) or upsetting my freind. I was just going to email him but I don'tknow what to say. i'm guessing I'm just worried that he might take my thank you in the wrong way because we are sober now. I don't know. I kinda want to just say a bit more than thank you in the message and just write a little explanation about how I feel and how he has been the only one I can talk to but again, i don't wan't to seem stalkerish

Advice please?
Thankyou :smile:
Reply 1
Just say exactly how you feel, i would. It means much more coming from the heart that tiptoeing about trying not to upset his mrs.

Just say, "thanks so so much for last night, it really meant a lot that someone was prepared to sit down with me and put up with my crying! (make a joke out of it, come accross a bit embarrassed about it, it will seem less... stalkerish as you put it) " tell him how much the death affected you and sometimes it comes out at random moments so you really appreciate that he was there are the time it did. you can even say sorry for it and that you hope it didnt offend his girlfriend if you like as you know "how it may have come accross to an outsider" but you hope he understands that emotions arent something you can control easily, especially about something like this, so thanks again for everything, you found him really easy to talk to etc :smile:

Its really not hard once you get going, have a bash, you can do it :smile: xx
Reply 2
Just tell him how you feel, it's all you can really do. Just say thank you, say that it meant a lot to you and such. This guy did a lot for you, so a thank you is in order, surely his girlfriend would be able to see that?

As for her, I don't know if she is a cause for concern because she hasn't said anything yet. She might completely understand that you have been given some terrible news, and something that can happen when you get drunk is that you get upset, and you want to talk about things like that. If not, just speak to her and tell her what happened. She'll understand.
Reply 3
I think a simple thank you would do.
I wouldn't worry too much about his girlfriend if I were you. Lots of alcohol and a suicide are enough to mess anyone up, I would be very surprised if she was anything other than sympathetic. :smile: