The Student Room Group

Tooth :(

Erm....few weeks ago I fell over and split my tooth. Went to dentists and they took the crappy part out and put some gunk on it to make it tooth-like again. It wasnt really helpful, as it still hurt when I touched my tooth, and the polyfiller bit they put in seemed wobbly too.

Yesterday, I managed to...erm...sneeze half of it out, the polyfiller bit. So I'm left with the back half of a tooth. Should I go back to the dentists? Also, its fine now, theres no pain when I touch it, and I can eat on it now, which is more than can be said about after the dentalness.

So is it safe to just leave it as it is? Or do I go back to the dentists and risk them re-screwing it up ??

Any help appreciated
Reply 1
Deffinatly go back, your missing half a tooth.
Reply 2
I assume its a tooth at the front, is that right? Only when you say you fell over I just assumed that?

Yes you need to go back, if you leave it theres a chance it could become more damaged. When you go back ask if theres something more permanent they can do.
Reply 3
Reply 4
I have the same thing, just go back and get them to fix it. You shouldn't have to pay for it to be fixed as it should be under guarentee. They can be a little bit hit and miss to be honest, i had one that lasted for about 10 years, then the next one lasted two months, the latest one has been going for about 8 months and i've just had to make sure i try to avoid eating food in a way which pulls/pushes on it.
Reply 5
gah, my chipped/capped tooth is the bane of my face! inner bottom corner of my right front tooth. :frown: my first cap lasted 12 years, until i ate a wham bar. boo.

you have to go back to the dentist. if there's any bare tooth showing it could decay and get icky...
Reply 6
I had exactly the same thing except i didnt fall over, my orthodontist ripped it off when removing my brace. Mine's fallen out about 4 / 5 times on various food stuffs / accidents. Always go back, they should thicken it up a bit too to stop it happening again.
I took a chunk out of one of my teeth last year... on an unpopped piece of popcorn :rolleyes:
They had to fill in almost half a tooth and aside from feeling a bit rougher than real tooth, it acts like a real tooth - shouldn't be loose, should be able to bite on it and treat it like any normal tooth.

But yeah, as everyone else has advised - another trip to the dentist would be the wise option to avoid causing more damage, particularly in the long term. In the meantime, try to avoid chewing anything too chewy/hard with that tooth.
Reply 8
um... yes go back to the dentists