I don't mean to be rude but your just focusing on your feelings here. Just because your not in love doesn't mean he isn't. Can't you understand how difficult it might be for him to have any kind of contact with you after you told him you didn't love him anymore? I would say he has feelings for you, without a doubt. After spending such a long time together, those feelings don't go away easily. It's those feelings that are probably stopping him for making contact.
I realise how frustrating this and I didn't mean to sound rude, but just because you're ready to be friends doesn't mean he is. You broke up with him, you told him you didn't love him. He's probably hurting a lot after breaking up with you, like you said you've done a lot together and spent a lot of time together. It's only natural that he might feel that way.
At the end of the day, if he doesn't want contact, he doesn't want contact. The ball is in his court now, you've offered to meet up and now it's up to him what he does. If he wants to meet you, he will. Just give him some time and try not to get annoyed with him.