The Student Room Group

Lump in ear...

I'm sure this is not serious, but was just wondering if anyone else has this. (Please don't say just go to the doctor as I can't at the minute as I'm not registered in London but will be after my exams- few days).

I had my ears piereced when I was 14, I now don't wear earrings and assume the holes have closed up, I have a little jump where each hole is in each lobe- I think that's normal but in my left ear lobe, right where the lobe attaches to my head I have a lump, you can't see it but can feel it, it's quite hard and very sore to the touch. Any ideas what it could be?
Thanks in advance :smile:
Reply 1
Scar tissue honey. Or, if not, a highly compressible doughnout wedged in your ear.
Reply 2
I'm sure this is not serious, but was just wondering if anyone else has this. (Please don't say just go to the doctor as I can't at the minute as I'm not registered in London but will be after my exams- few days).

I had my ears piereced when I was 14, I now don't wear earrings and assume the holes have closed up, I have a little jump where each hole is in each lobe- I think that's normal but in my left ear lobe, right where the lobe attaches to my head I have a lump, you can't see it but can feel it, it's quite hard and very sore to the touch. Any ideas what it could be?
Thanks in advance :smile:

I have one, but mine isn't sore. I've had it for years I think so I assume its not too serious.
I'm no doctor...but i know it is not uncommon to have clogged sebaceous glands in the earlobe. They are a result of poor hygiene or some kind of an infection. Most people don’t even notice them, or notice them as small lumps in the earlobe, but some of them tend to get infected and they can grow to be very big and can become a great problem. They can hurt but they don’t have to, the pain usually appears when the lump starts pressing on some nerve ending in the earlobe. Trying to squeeze them out will only cause you more pain and can worsen the infection... so the best advie (if it IS that) would probably just be get to doctor to have it checked out and possibly removed if required.

:hugs: for the pain!
Has it been there ages? If not then, is it not just possibly a spot? Like a horribly vicious one?
Reply 5
34 person
Scar tissue honey. Or, if not, a highly compressible doughnout wedged in your ear.

I know the ones where the piercings are are scar tissue, but this has never had an injury near it- so can't be scar tissue? :confused:
Reply 6
I'm no doctor...but i know it is not uncommon to have clogged sebaceous glands in the earlobe. They are a result of poor hygiene or some kind of an infection. Most people don’t even notice them, or notice them as small lumps in the earlobe, but some of them tend to get infected and they can grow to be very big and can become a great problem. They can hurt but they don’t have to, the pain usually appears when the lump starts pressing on some nerve ending in the earlobe. Trying to squeeze them out will only cause you more pain and can worsen the infection... so the best advie (if it IS that) would probably just be get to doctor to have it checked out and possibly removed if required.

:hugs: for the pain!

I'm quite a clean person!! :eek: This lump is about 1cm square? Removed?? How would they do that? I'll book a doc appointment then when I get registered. Cheers for the hugs! :smile:
Reply 7
I have exactly the same thing.. I always assumed it was just maybe a build up in fluid near my ear pierced hole.. But then again I had them pierced when I was little, and they got infected and then got them repierced over the scar tissue which Probably wasnt the best idea! Heh. But it comes ad goes and can be quite painful But I never thought it was anything serious..
Reply 8
Becca <3.
Has it been there ages? If not then, is it not just possibly a spot? Like a horribly vicious one?

It's been there a while but only started hurting recently....Not a spot, it's inside my ear not on the skin.