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Reply 1
I'm sure a lot of people commute at that time.
Reply 2
if youre worried take a personal attack alarm. and have your phone in hand
The sun rises at about 4.30 at the moment, it will be broad daylight and I'm sure you will be fine.
Reply 4
Most chavs should have go to bed by then :smile:
The sun rises at about 4.30 at the moment, it will be broad daylight and I'm sure you will be fine.

Actually it's 5am in Cardiff, should still be fairly bright though.
Reply 6
Should be fine. Just be wary.
Reply 7
I know it sounds stupid but I'm paranoid! Had to go to the train station last week at 5am (I know, early starts) but took a taxi. On the way saw a few slightly dodgy-looking solitary men wandering the streets, so was wondering if they'd be there an hour later. I'm fine about it until the actual city centre- I'll be taking loads of stuff so am worried it's a bit of an advert to be mugged. Thanks for your advice!
Reply 8
I'd get a taxi, just 'cause I'm lazy.
Reply 9
i do it quite a bit, it's one of my favourite times between 5 and 6am. You hardly ever see anyone, it's great :biggrin: slightly spooky/28days-ish when it's light and there's absolutely no one about but generally i think any muggers etc will have gone to bed by then so i usually feel quite safe doing it. just follow usual staying safe tips. do NOT have you're mobile in your hand, that's pretty dumb, if you want anything in your hand hold your keys in your fist and stick them out between your knuckles - you hit someone like that, it's gonna hurt :wink:
Depends where you are walking from I suppose. It's light already though, so you should be fine, if you read this before you leave! :smile:
Agweed. It'll be safe.
how sad this world is for you to ask a question like that :frown:
i thought more rapes and attacks took place sunday morning than saterday night?
depends on what the area is like really although even the 'safest' of areas require vigilance as I've learnt from my own experience and for the simple fact it leaves you with your guard down. Generally you should be OK but if your carrying lots of luggage as you seem to have indicated, it may be better to get a taxi as carrying lots of items can make you a target for attack.
Reply 15
You should be al right.
Reply 16
I very rarely walk to Cardiff station, it's just too damn far. I either take the train from Cathays, or if I'm mega lazy, I call a taxi :biggrin:
Reply 17
Just make sure you have an attack alarm in your hand while you're walking - they're really not expensive, only £1.50 or so.
Reply 18
What good is that on an empty street? Cardiff is desolate before 7am. I walked to work at 6.45 this morning and didn't see a soul during my 20 minute walk, except for the park keeper opening the gates to Bute Park.
Reply 19
Well, or keys in hand then, if it makes her feel safer.