My grandpa has just died and im mortified. I dont want it to affect my test performance, as i dont want it to become an excuse for poor performance, and i dont want to look cynical by exploiting a death in my family, but in the back of my mind i cant help but think its going to affect my chances of getting AAA and going to Oxford. Aside from being, lets say, shook up, the whole funeral thing is going to take a few days (he lives in Ireland) and i've only got like 2 weeks to revise left anyway. I'm determined for it not to affect my grades becasue he really wants me to study hard and get into uni, but its quite hard to concentrate now. is it worth getting in touch with Oxford or my sixth form college to see what might happen before my exams, or to say after the exams?
will anything even happen? Would Oxford make any allowances for all this?
I cant beleive somthing like this has happeend at such a time, of all the times it could possibly happen (apart form exam day) as well.
Hopefully i wont need to inform anyone since the grades will all be fine, and i really dont want to come across as making excuses, i just want to know if its worth informing Oxford.