The Student Room Group

Constant Throat Clearing

Please help me. During the day and especially at night I find myself constantly clearing my throat. It feels like there's something down there all the time building up but my mum and dad seem to think it's just a habit I've picked up and I'm imagining it... I'm not!!

Does anybody else have this problem and know what it is??
Reply 1
My mum actually used to have this. I'll ask her when she wakes up tomorrow.

I realise how useless this post is now as it's not a help.
Please help me. During the day and especially at night I find myself constantly clearing my throat. It feels like there's something down there all the time building up but my mum and dad seem to think it's just a habit I've picked up and I'm imagining it... I'm not!!

Does anybody else have this problem and know what it is??

Go to a doctor. You probably have an infection or an allergy.
do you have a cold or hayfever?
and are you actually bringing anything up?
Please help me. During the day and especially at night I find myself constantly clearing my throat. It feels like there's something down there all the time building up but my mum and dad seem to think it's just a habit I've picked up and I'm imagining it... I'm not!!

Does anybody else have this problem and know what it is??

I have this too. It's quite annoying/embarrassing. It feels kind of gunky in the throat. I've had it for ages. And I get it worse after I've been laughing. If you find a cure, let me know :smile:
Reply 5
^ Thats.. Uhm Interesting.

I Had this alot when I was younger, I also had a lot of throat infections though so they were probably related!
Sorry, I know this isn't helpful but this post reminds me of Felix Unger from the Odd Couple!
Reply 7
Well your body makes you cough/clear your throat as a way to get rid of stuff - dust, germs - that shouldn't be there. So yeah, like someone up there suggested, I'd see a doctor to see if you've got some sort of infection/allergy type thing.
Please help me. During the day and especially at night I find myself constantly clearing my throat. It feels like there's something down there all the time building up but my mum and dad seem to think it's just a habit I've picked up and I'm imagining it... I'm not!!

Does anybody else have this problem and know what it is??

It can also be a sign of stress/worry etc.
Reply 9
Do you smoke?
I dont think it could be an infection as I've had it for long as I can remember. I dont smoke but my parents do. I dont seem to be bringing anything up when I clear my throat but it does relieve it, but only for a few seconds at times. It's so annoying!
I dont think it could be an infection as I've had it for long as I can remember. I dont smoke but my parents do. I dont seem to be bringing anything up when I clear my throat but it does relieve it, but only for a few seconds at times. It's so annoying!

It could be your parents smoking. Before my parents divorced my dad had to go out to smoke and then stay another 10 mins to get rid of the smell because it made me feel so ill. Going to the doctor is the best way to find out what is the cause.
Thanks I'll give that a try. I'm just worried the doctor will think the same as my parents...
Reply 13
My niece did this for a long time. She's eight, and god knows where she picked it up but she did it for ages. No idea why, there was absolutely nothing wrong with her but it's possible to pick things like that up. She just did it for the sake of doing it, it was a habbit. She has stopped but it's possible to pick stuff like that a lot. My niece has done a lot of things like that though :p:

If you're sure there is something there, get it checked out. Go to your doctors and they'll be able to tell you what's going on and if there is something wrong. It could be down to anything, best way of finding out is by asking a professional. I wouldn't rule out the idea of it being picked up, but there could well be a cause. If there is a cause, there will be something to help you stop it i'm sure.
Thanks =]