The Student Room Group

Back to square 1 with ex

Two months after my ex split up with me, I finally felt I was pretty much over him, and was really happy. I hadn't been as happy as I was for months. Then last week, I told him something and now I feel I'm back to square we have broken up all over again, and I'm so annoyed at myself for it! Whats also annoying me is that I'm feeling like this again, when I know for a fact I would NEVER get back with him anyway :s-smilie:

It could just be that its half term and we haven't spoken since Friday, which is usually long for us and its affecting me since I've been quite lonely due to revision. He also has a new lady friend (they aren't dating but i know they will eventually) and it is kind of getting to me too, as I know he'll be spending the summer with her and I'll be by myself, which is what I know he wants (cause he is a resentful ******)

What do I do?!?!
Reply 1
Keep up the good fight, that's what you do. It eventually gets better, trust me. Whether you realise it or not, every single day you get a little better, but you need to stop thinking about him.

What exactly did you say to him to make you feel you're back at square one?
Reply 2
I get the feeling you still talk to him regularly - when you say you havent spoken to him since Friday, which I cant help but think is a little unhealthy. You might find it hard at first, but its probably better to cut all contact and get used to being without him, I know its been said alot before but time is a healer.

Concentrate on being happy on your own and eventually you will meet someone else :smile:
Reply 3
Thanks for your replies

Fruit-Cake - Yes, we have been seeing each other and speaking regulary because we go to the same school so we can't really avoid each other for the time being

Nix - About 3 weeks after my ex dumped me, i asked him if he thought we'd ever get back together again, and he said basically i had been waiting for a few weeks to give him some time. I found out about his new lady friend, and that is what basically got me over him. I then spoke to my ex and told him i felt i had been messed around after he said that and got with someone else, and the fact i had been waiting for him. He then said when he thought we'd get back together, he meant in the distant future :s-smilie:
You need to stop talking to him, I know it's hard as you go to the same school, but you need to ignore him and stop waiting for him, it is obvious he's doesn't really want to get back with you. He's messing you around.
Reply 5
Yeah, I'm not waiting for him any longer. It was a silly idea in the first was a mistake which I will learn from :smile:
Reply 6
Yeah, I'm not waiting for him any longer. It was a silly idea in the first was a mistake which I will learn from :smile:

Good girl. Head high remember :wink:
Reply 7

Nix - About 3 weeks after my ex dumped me, i asked him if he thought we'd ever get back together again, and he said basically i had been waiting for a few weeks to give him some time. I found out about his new lady friend, and that is what basically got me over him. I then spoke to my ex and told him i felt i had been messed around after he said that and got with someone else, and the fact i had been waiting for him. He then said when he thought we'd get back together, he meant in the distant future :s-smilie:

sounds like me and my ex. i feel so experienced.. lol.

nah, i waited around for months for my ex, which was stupid. we broke up in october, and by february i was still seeing him and having 'relations' *cough* which i know was stupid, but i was holding onto anything to try and keep him in my life. i guess i got bored of waiting and moved on. took 6 months, but it happened.
sounds like me and my ex. i feel so experienced.. lol.

nah, i waited around for months for my ex, which was stupid. we broke up in october, and by february i was still seeing him and having 'relations' *cough* which i know was stupid, but i was holding onto anything to try and keep him in my life. i guess i got bored of waiting and moved on. took 6 months, but it happened.

Nearly 2 years on and I'm still doing this with my ex...
Reply 9
Well people go on here from college, but they probably know about the whole sad escapade anyway...
Reply 10
sounds like me and my ex. i feel so experienced.. lol.

nah, i waited around for months for my ex, which was stupid. we broke up in october, and by february i was still seeing him and having 'relations' *cough* which i know was stupid, but i was holding onto anything to try and keep him in my life. i guess i got bored of waiting and moved on. took 6 months, but it happened.

Why did you wait for him? He did he tell you you might get back together or was it just gut instinct?
Reply 11
Ex bf rang me earlier today...everyone had to go into school to sort some stuff out for exams next week, and i left appears he arrived just as i left. Anyway, as he was leaving himself, he rang me asking me where i was (i was at home) and was wondering how i was as he hadn't heard from me for about a week (which he hadn't lol). Its difficult trying to cut contact with him :s-smilie:
tell him hes gota giv u space 4 u 2 get ova him...
the least he can do is let u try...
Reply 13
Well i do want to stay friends with my ex, not cut him out of my life completely cause he is a very caring friend to everyone, and we were very close friends before we dated. Do you think I should still cut contact with him?
Reply 14
Reply 15
Why did you wait for him? He did he tell you you might get back together or was it just gut instinct?

it was because i was so 'in love' with him. he also told my friend that he may get back together with me after his first year of uni. i grew tired of waiting.

and i wouldn't try to be friends. ithink it will hurt you when you see him going off with other girls. it's why i didn't want to talk to my ex afterwards, despite doing so for several months. he wouldn't contact me for weeks, then out of the blue when he had nothing to do he would text and and say 'want to go out' and i knew that meant just sleeping with him and then him telling me to get lost. if i tried to talk to him he would ignore me also.. i don't think it's a good idea to stay in contact, but it works for some people, so it's really your desicion.
Reply 16
i wouldn't try to be friends. ithink it will hurt you when you see him going off with other girls. it's why i didn't want to talk to my ex afterwards, despite doing so for several months. he wouldn't contact me for weeks, then out of the blue when he had nothing to do he would text and and say 'want to go out' and i knew that meant just sleeping with him and then him telling me to get lost. if i tried to talk to him he would ignore me also.. i don't think it's a good idea to stay in contact, but it works for some people, so it's really your desicion.

Well I found that when I heard about him and his new lady friend, it actually helped me move on. I know that I will find someone new and better than him eventually anyway...hopefully over the summer, and that will definatly get me over him!

I'm just having so much problem at the moment trying to get him out of my head. It seems the less i hear from him, the more i think about him grrr!
Reply 17
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Get a life! Why do you say you're over him but keep asking for advice.

Do you have anything else besides your ex? Get a hobby.