The Student Room Group
I had the same option. I went for York for biology, better facilities, better teaching, better science produced.


I spent lots of time with friends in Durham, and it was wicked with the whole "proper" college system. Plus the old boy network at durham is better and can be utilised to your advantage at durham.

I would say York for a great biology education that can be used to go on to further study (as about 70% of york bio grads do, like myself).
or Durham for getting any degree and then going to get a job in established institutions such as civil service, city etc etc.

depends what you want afterwards.

I however do not regret going to york to study biology for one minute
hiya - i had to make this decision last year for biology. I applied for strait biology to york, bath, nottingham, durham and cardiff.

This is just my opinion from visiting, talking to staff and reading their sites etc...

Bath: Nice campus although seemed smaller than what i first imagined, also a big hill to get from bath centre to uni - the centre seemed very nice though. The campus seemed quite cramped and concrete to me although this was a rainy day so may have effected how i felt about it. They only showed us one room of accomodation, the room and kitch seemed really dated and oldy - my worry was weather this was the 'best' they were showing us??? The bar and SU seemed pretty cool though. Despite this the staff were lovely, really friendy and enthusiastic about the biology, also the labs were modern and well equiped. Also has a very good reputation.

Nottingham: Very good reputation as a university but a pretty iffy reputation as a city - this put me off as im from a small village so may have had a slight culture shock! ...i wouldnt rule it out though just on this. The campus was spacious and had a good feeling about it, the SU seemed cool. The biology department was quite good, i would prob place it slightly below bath tho. The staff were just as enthusiastic and friendly. My main reservation about nott is that im looking for non-catered accomodation and this is all slightly off the main campus, even though in one case this is just across one main road, it still seems like that separates it from the main campus, and its not like sitting on the grass outside accom in the hub of the campus with friends... just what i am personally hoping for! Its quite a ride to from the campus to the centre, whereas in bath i would walk it despite the hill i would be worried walkin alone from nott centre to the campus.

Just incase anyone is considering the others...

Durham > I got rejected, took it out the equation for me and never got the chance to go up their. That aside its a long way for me from home and from speeking to friends who had gone there, there is a large social class divide???

York: Loved it, the centre was only a short ride away and has everything you need - perhaps not enough for clubs fo some people?? The campus is spacious, all based around a lake which was cool, both on a rainy day and when the sun was shining. When i went on a dry day, people were sat outside on the grass and playing frisby :P The biology buildings were the largest and best equiped that i have seen, i could really see myself working their. Also has a great reputation. The staff were friendly and enthusiastic as in other unis i had visited. The accomodation varied from top qual to not so great but being split into colleges meant their was friendly rivalry between each and also non-competitive sport competitions. Each col also had a bar, but you could go to any bar... its not that you only go to 'your' bar. I had a really good feeling about this one.

Cardiff: Loved the city location, only a small walk away from everything, also seemed safe and friendly to walk around in. The accomodation was dotted around but that of tallybont seemed really nice, a short walk away and had quite alot of space outside for socialising despite the city location. The biology buildings (2) were very diff, one was quite old and concrete but the other one looked like an old museum with the column thingies :P On the open day the staff didnt seem that knowledgeable of the equipment they were using!!! i found it a bit worrying tbh. They only showed us a handful of labs, i would be quite worried if these were the best they could show us, they seemed a bit dated and dirty?!] The su was one of the best i saw and was very close to other uni buildings.

Any questions just give me a shout. I also visited aber and bangor if u need any questios answered about them too. YOU MUST GO AND VISIT THEM THOUGH... YOU REALLY GET A PERSONAL FEEL FOR THEM... SOMETHING NO PROSPECTUS OR OTHER PERSON CAN GIVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

If i put them in order i would have

bath (slightly ahead of...)
Reply 3
Thanks guys

By the way Chloedanielle why does Cambridges Natural Sciences undergrad course result in a BA as opposed to a BSc?

hope this helps... i wondered the same thing! :P