The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, the total mark out of 54 is broken down into 27 marks for Knowledge of Society, 18 marks for Reaction/Response and 9 marks for Grammar. Assuming your teacher's broken down your marks into each of these sections, you know what to work on. To get more marks for Knowledge of Society, you need to give more facts connected to immigration that are not from the pre-release booklet; to get a higher mark for Reaction/Response, you need to give and justify your opinion more and to get more marks for Grammar, you need to improve your grammatical accuracy and use more complex structures.

Bonne chance!
Reply 2
I'm doing environnement- far easier in my opinion. the examples spew everywhere, and the same 2 questions (ish) every year!
****in hell man - immigration is such an easy one!!! i got 96% in my first attempt last year! all you need to learn for immigration is a couple of policies (sarkozy's are shyte! segolene's are just as bad!), learn all about "les emeutes dans les banlieues parisiennes" and get loads of vocab off the net!!! youll be sweet as a moose! also if your using search engines: for french: - best every time! (",) g'luck!
and sorry dont mean to rub it in... but i only got 1 A* (Spanish) @ GCSE and am blates better at AS/A Level French... hope you dont get this before your test :P
Reply 5
what are the responsibilites that france has towards the immigrants?
Not quite AS - Unit 2 (I did Environment for that) But I did my coursework on Immigration. With Unit 2 all you have to remember is POINT > KNOWLEDGE OF SOCIETY/SUPPORT > PERSONAL REACTION Write this out on your planning sheet and make it bold. I find in Essay exams, planning is everything, make it clear and concise and always stick to those 3 points. P-K-P. Immigration wise you need to talk about "Les emeubles - Novembre 2005" "Les immigres dans la societe Francais" "L'education" "La voile" etc... Want any more help on it (thinking about it you might have done it by now lol) Let me know! x

p.s. I just cannot seem to get french accents to work on my laptop so excuse the lack of!
Reply 7
Not quite AS - Unit 2 (I did Environment for that) But I did my coursework on Immigration. With Unit 2 all you have to remember is POINT > KNOWLEDGE OF SOCIETY/SUPPORT > PERSONAL REACTION Write this out on your planning sheet and make it bold. I find in Essay exams, planning is everything, make it clear and concise and always stick to those 3 points. P-K-P. Immigration wise you need to talk about "Les emeubles - Novembre 2005" "Les immigres dans la societe Francais" "L'education" "La voile" etc... Want any more help on it (thinking about it you might have done it by now lol) Let me know! x

p.s. I just cannot seem to get french accents to work on my laptop so excuse the lack of!

Les émeutes? :biggrin:
Les émeutes? :biggrin:

Oooops lol Thanks *Blush* x
Reply 9
Damn I really wish I'd known that PKP format before I'd done my exam. We get no help on writing style whatsoever at school! I did put some opinion and a loads of knowledge of society but it wasn't very well structured :s-smilie: Hopefully it'll still be alright...
Reply 10
I'm sitting my French A-S Level essay exam on immigration (unfortunately!!) on Tuesday this week..
But in my last essay, my teacher (who is quite harsh) marked me as an E.

She gave me 11/27 for Knowledge of Society..but every paragraph entailed things like "Francais du Souche", or reference to the "interdiction du foulard" in fevrier 2004..and i referred to the diversity in there are many different types of "cuisine" and "musique" and "mode" etc because of the numerous nationalities. I also mentioned the "banlieus" and how they (in my opinon) cause a lot of the friction between "francais du souche" and immigrants or the people who live in the "cites", because they aren't inner city, so the residents don't feel included etc and there is little communication, meaning less integration "qui cause beaucoup des debats".

She mentioned that she'd have put in about ghettos - but i don't really understand what she means.

How can I up my mark in this section?? i really don't know what to put, and I'm panicking about running out of time as the exam is on Tuesday morning.

I also didn't score well and reaction and response...but all through the essay she'd put an "R" in a circle, and according to the AQA mark schemes, that is a point for Reaction and Response..I'm so worried and I don't understand where I'm going wrong...nor will she tell me!!!

In total...she gave me 26/54
aaagh - if anyone has any tips that I can work towards, or thatwill put my mind to rest, I would be sooo grateful!!
If it's any consolation, bex75, one of my friends who sat the exam last year was getting Es in her essays right up until a few days before, then went into the exam after a brief cram of facts and got full marks. Needless to say, our teachers were rather red-faced.

I'm sitting the exam on Tuesday as well, and the only advice I can give is try to follow an SDFOR-type format for your paragraphs - Statement, Develop, Fact, Opinion, Reason. (Heavy on the O and R for lots of Reaction and Response marks. Generally, I just shove in lots of "je pense que", "je soutiens que" and "A mon avis" before I finish a paragraph - seems to do the job!)

Most important thing is to not panic - and also try not to rely on the prelim material too much - stick in EVERYTHING you know that isn't in there - it gains you loads of content marks.

Good Luck!

Reply 12
thank-you for the advice!
I agree about the prelim material too! For German, I didn't use it at all, and I plan on doing the same for French.