DARN!!!! it's really painful...
i had 2 exams today, total timing of both was 4 hours 15 minutes...
(non stop writing)
and I have the same amount to go tomorrow!!!!
Alright, i'll help myself and others here...
First, hold pen loose in hand...
second, when you write don't just move the wrist and hand, move the hold arm
Third, sit upright, straight,
Fourth, lean neck back for a bit, to one side for a bit, to the other for a little bit, look up (this should not take longer than 3 seconds or you are wasting precious exam time!)
Fifth, if you get an indent, then use a plaster there beforehand,
sixth, take painkillers beofre the exam (non-drowsy... the worst thing I think I did was to make myself fail by taking drowsy painkillers, or was it for hay fever.....and i'd revised and everything....but could not keep my eyes open)
Seventh just write even if your hand hurts, afterwards you can apply an ice or heat pack or some special spray or balm... (my friend uses deep heat spray), i use ice... just pick whatever you think is best and is readily available!