hey, recently i met a girl at this bar, we'll call her 'X'. We chatted for ages and got on really well, i got her number and started the usual txting process over about a week. I met her out at night again the following weekend, we chatted again and got off with each other etc, still txting her i met up with her out at night once more and we were having a great time again, doing the usual getting off and dancing and whatever.
Then outside the club she was talking to this girl outside for a while (it looked quite serious), and her mates said that the girl is X's sisters best mate, who id gotten off with a few times in the past (only when really drunk) and she was telling X that she really likes me and stuff. This obviously made X feel bad, and came to another bar with me and we talked for a while, she said that she feels she cannot do this to her sisters best mate (who is also a work colleague to X lol) and to make things more annoying her sister is taking her mates side and so X doesnt want to fall out with her sister.
We left the bars and parted, i text her during the week and she was very short wioth her replies and then just didnt reply. Then i saw her mates in a bar the next weekend, they said they all really like me and are rooting for me to get together with X, and not to give up as we seem great together. I talked to X in the bar and we started to get off with each other and so on, outside the bar her sisters best mate was with a guy and said 'sorry about the other week, i was just really drunk, i dont really fancy you' which seemed like a bit of a lie to me but at least she said it, so me and X parted and everything seemed to be fine and it seemed like we could start seeing eachother. However, i have txt her yesterday and still no reply....im so confused, she has told me before that she really likes me, and her mates have gone out of their way to tell me that she likes me alot aswel...so why not text me back now? I wanted to get a conversation going so that i could ask her out on a proper date this week, but obviously i cant without her replying to me....i dont know what to do.
I dont normally seem to get so attatched to girls the way i seem to be with X but i really like her and we get along great, im just confused at whats going on and would appreciate some advice/ guidance....i know if i wait till i see her out at night again i will end up with her again, so maybe i can just ask her straight when im with her so at least i get an answer..?!
Apologies for the very long post by the way, but i feel it needed to be off my chest. thanks.