The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I guess it depends on your exam board.

The ones I remember:
Catullus (mostly poetry)
Cicero (legal speeches)
Tacitus' annals
Virgil's Aeneid
Some stuff by Ovid as well

Damn, it seems so long ago I did all this stuff.

At As, it's mostly about learning stuff off-by-heart then regurgitating it in the exams. At A2 tho, there's far too much stuff to learn it all so you just have to get good at translating it off the cuff. I remember the unseen translation from the Aeneid being particularly tricky.

There's also a lot of literary analysis (similar to what you do in eng lit) only far more interesting because there is obvious meter that reflects what is being described in the text and the author is free to mix up the word order, placing certain words together or further apart for maximum effect.
There is only OCR Latin A-level (there was an AQA one, now scrapped).

Modules (for 2007-2008 AS and 2008-2009 A2):

Literature 1 (1h - 20% - a whole range of texts - comprehension and literary analysis like at GCSE)
Literature 2 (1h - 15% - I think this translation plus a written essay about context, a little of civilisation topics, and a lot of literary analysis about the same text as Lit1)
Unprepared Translation 1 (1h - 15% - just a translation of a massive passage of unseen Latin)

Literature 3 (1h 45m - 20% - comprehension, literary analysis & essay, on different texts / a different text)
Unprepared Translation 2 (1h 30m - 15% - translation of a prose and a verse)
Composition or Comprehension (1h 15m - 15% - composition [Eng->Lat] or comprehension)

UNITS 2471-2480, 2491, 2481-2490
Cicero: Pro Roscio Amerino ed E Donkin (Duckworth/BCP) ISBN 0862921848
AS (i) 15-27 (Sex. Roscius ... referretur), 62-72 (de parricidio ... venisses)
(ii) 79-82 (conveniat mihi ... putabat), 84-88 (causam ... filius),
92-101 (video igitur ... audacia), 109-115 (venit ... fecit)
A2 (i) 15-29 (Sex. Roscius … tradiderunt), 62-75 (de parricidio … magistra est)
(ii) 79-88 (conveniat mihi … filius), 92-104 (video igitur … videamini),
109-115 (venit ... fecit)
Virgil: Aeneid 12 (OCT) ISBN 0198146531
AS (i) 1-106, 441-553, 614-671
(ii) 676-952
A2 (i) 1-91, 441-649
(ii) 653-952
The rest of Aeneid 12 is to be read in English translation.
Schools may use any edition in class, the Latin text from the Oxford Classical Text will be printed on the
examination paper (see specification p. 25).
One edition currently in print is: ed W Maguinness (Duckworth/BCP) ISBN 1853992445.
Tacitus: Annals 1 ed N Miller (Duckworth/BCP) ISBN 1883993581
AS (i) 16-32
(ii) 33-49
A2 (i) 16-33
(ii) 34-51
Ovid: Amores 1 ed J Barsby (Duckworth/BCP) ISBN 0906515459
AS (i) 1, 4, 6, 11, 12, 15
(ii) 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 14
A2 (i) 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15
(ii) 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14
Caesar, Ovid (hexameters)
Reply 3
Thank you for everyone's help :wink:
Reply 4
Yeah - at my school we do Ovid (Amores I) and Tacitus (Annals I) for AS, then Caesar for A2.
Tacitus is KILLING me.
I have my exam on friday and I'm going to DIE!
theres so much to do/learn its impossible to do everything! set texts, VOCAB!!! and thats ignoring any grammar revision. i'm really scared bout essay cos haven't really practised them before! dunno which is worse Ovid is bit more complex but you can interpret it how u like to an extent - is poetry after all. Tactitus on other hand, if you get facts wrong ure screwed.
Is the civilisation part of it optional? Because my teacher's said there is no civilisation at AS |:

or is it just context for the poetry~?
Reply 7
Is the civilisation part of it optional? Because my teacher's said there is no civilisation at AS |:

or is it just context for the poetry~?

This thread was made around 2 years ago and since then they have made a brand new specificationstarting 2008, so I wouldn't be suprised if there was no class civ element.
im doing A levels this year but an AS level latin as well after a year of no latin.

I dont think the understanding and exams are particularly hard, infact pretty straight forward, its just the learning of vocab and passages takes literally forever
Murray Hewitt
im doing A levels this year but an AS level latin as well after a year of no latin.

I dont think the understanding and exams are particularly hard, infact pretty straight forward, its just the learning of vocab and passages takes literally forever

Funsies. Is there any civ or background knowledge needed apart from for the lit?
Thanks :smile:
Reply 10
Funsies. Is there any civ or background knowledge needed apart from for the lit?
Thanks :smile:

I think it depends what units your teacher's decided to teach you. I'm only doing verse/prose lit and then the language paper so don't need to know any other things....could be same for you?
I think it depends what units your teacher's decided to teach you. I'm only doing verse/prose lit and then the language paper so don't need to know any other things....could be same for you?

Okayy thanks ~! MY favourite bits, haha.

Still haven't decided between Latin and Biology though. Sigh.

Reply 12
Okayy thanks ~! MY favourite bits, haha.

Still haven't decided between Latin and Biology though. Sigh.


For AS or A2?

Do Latin :smile: wait, what am I saying, every lesson where you gradually realise just how bad at grammar you are will make you die a little inside ...

Hope that's not putting you off :p:
For AS or A2?

Do Latin :smile: wait, what am I saying, every lesson where you gradually realise just how bad at grammar you are will make you die a little inside ...

Hope that's not putting you off :p:

AS - thanks for the encouragement, haha.. [ /irony ]
It's more of a big life-changing MEDICINE OR SOMETHING ELSE?? type of decision xD
Reply 14
AS - thanks for the encouragement, haha.. [ /irony ]
It's more of a big life-changing MEDICINE OR SOMETHING ELSE?? type of decision xD

Haha, oooh...then I'm no help :p:, i don't do any sciences. But don't do medicine, it's all gory :rolleyes:
Reply 15
O tempora O mores