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AQA :lol: always been AQA only 2 things at GCSE werent and all of them at AS are AQA :yes:
Reply 2
Yeah it is, teachers choose whichever one they think is better (or easier), OCR dominates my time.

OCR Chemistry & Philosophy but Edexcel Maths
AQA and WJEC :erm:
Reply 4
6 subjects are AQA. 2 subjects are edexcel. 1 OCR and 1 being WJEC.
So AQA is the most dominating but my favorite exam board anyway.
AQA for 2; OCR for 1.
At my (state) school, everything is AQA at GCSE and A-level except for Sport (Edexcel), Sociology (lessons at a different school), Psychology (OCR I think?) and Extended Project (OCR).

At my friend's (private) school, she does a bit of everything. I'm not pretending it's related to state vs private, but that's just the schools I know.
Reply 7
2 aqa, 1 ocr, 1,edexcel
Reply 8
Original post by ElspethC
At my (state) school, everything is AQA at GCSE and A-level except for Sport (Edexcel), Sociology (lessons at a different school), Psychology (OCR I think?) and Extended Project (OCR).

At my friend's (private) school, she does a bit of everything. I'm not pretending it's related to state vs private, but that's just the schools I know.

oh i thought private schools have like their own qualifications xD
AQA :tongue:
4 Edexcel
Reply 11
All OCR.
AQA but there's a lot of Edexcel too
7 edexcel

Luckily no OCR aka the most :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin::dolphin: exam board
3 AQA, 1 Edexcel!
Reply 15
2 Edexcel

Original post by jamestg
7 edexcel

Luckily no OCR aka the most :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin::dolphin: exam board

thank god for no :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin::dolphin:
i heard OCR science is torture
Reply 17
Original post by jamestg
7 edexcel

Luckily no OCR aka the most :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin::dolphin: exam board

Whats wrong wiv ocr
All OCR.

You poor soul
Reply 19
Original post by iEthan
You poor soul

I like it :biggrin: I couldn't imagine doing a different board.