The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think I've got some plato slideshows from class but none that i have myself made. is this ok?
Reply 2
Hey Lads........does Anyone Know If The Old/new Testament Are The Same As Genesis 1 And 2........i Know Its Basic, But I Would Like To Be Sure?

Any Replys Would Be Appreciated!
Reply 3
Thanks Meera, that would be awesome! :smile:

And aamer, I'm not sure! Sorry!
Reply 4
No ammer sorry i don't know and snakepit i e-mailed you with the notes.
hi, i know this is from a while ago but if anyone could email me their plato notes, id be eternally grateful!
Reply 6
Hey AlexRobertRoss. Welcome to TSR.

I haven't got my Plato notes; however there is a lot online. I presume your need for notes then is because you're misunderstanding - or finding it hard to understand - something. You can ask any questions here, or send them to me via PM, and I will provide a thorough response.
Reply 7
hello :smile:
are these revision notes for AS level? if they are i would be happy to send you my revision cards.
cheers guys

ekpyrotic - thanks so much for the offer but, with the exam so close it's really just a lack of solid notes that's killing me! really appreciate it though and if i'm struggling with anything for the a2 i'll be sure to bare you in mind!

kayls - you are a lifesaver. if there's any way i can repay you, just shout


ps. my email is [email protected] if that helps at all

if any one could send me there notes i would also be very greatful..

im revising plato atm and cnt find many notes at all..

thank you :smile: xxx

if any one has my email is -
[email protected]

thanks s