Hey! I'm in my final year now but was in Lupton in first year. I applied for Central Village which has an en suite so was really apprehensive when I got put in Lupton haha. But honestly it's fine! You share with five including yourself and there's a cleaner that comes round every morning I think it was to clean the shower etc. So it's no dirtier than having your own! If anything it makes you more sociable because you have to talk to your flatmates because you'll always see them in the corridor. I won't lie , not having a common room is pretty annoying it meant all trying to squeeze into someone's room when you're watching a film and stuff but I would recommend it yeah. It is really sociable especially in the first few weeks everyone opens their flats up and you meet so many people through parties. The facilities are very basic but in a way I liked it because it felt like the proper student experience with no luxury haha. The walk is actually fine at first it feels like forever but once you're used to it it doesn't feel that long and headingley is a good Student place to be in in first year. As well, don't worry if you and your housemates all don't get on I'm still really good friends with 2 of my flatmates and people from other flats so there's always someone around. If I'm honest I'm a bit of a princess so the though of being in grimy Lupton terrified me but actually I don't regret it!