The Student Room Group

Lupton - Leeds, is it worth it?

I'm currently deciding on accommodation for University of Leeds for next year and at the moment I'm leaning the most towards Lupton, just because of the how cheap it is and from what i've heard a really good social life. But just wondering if that's worth it if the facilities aren't that great? How is sharing a bathroom with large number of people? How is having no common room? Thanks for any help!
Reply 1
Hey, I was thinking to apply for Lupton as a back up choice of accommodation being cheap etc. I went up to Leeds to get a better idea of the place. I found out that Lupton is a fair distance from campus, about 30 mins walk (about an hour from the city centre), and is down on the side of a hill from the uni. So the walk in may be a bit of a pain. However it is just up hill about a 10-15 minute walk from a Lidl and Asda :smile:
Hey! I'm in my final year now but was in Lupton in first year. I applied for Central Village which has an en suite so was really apprehensive when I got put in Lupton haha. But honestly it's fine! You share with five including yourself and there's a cleaner that comes round every morning I think it was to clean the shower etc. So it's no dirtier than having your own! If anything it makes you more sociable because you have to talk to your flatmates because you'll always see them in the corridor. I won't lie , not having a common room is pretty annoying it meant all trying to squeeze into someone's room when you're watching a film and stuff but I would recommend it yeah. It is really sociable especially in the first few weeks everyone opens their flats up and you meet so many people through parties. The facilities are very basic but in a way I liked it because it felt like the proper student experience with no luxury haha. The walk is actually fine at first it feels like forever but once you're used to it it doesn't feel that long and headingley is a good Student place to be in in first year. As well, don't worry if you and your housemates all don't get on I'm still really good friends with 2 of my flatmates and people from other flats so there's always someone around. If I'm honest I'm a bit of a princess so the though of being in grimy Lupton terrified me but actually I don't regret it!
Original post by Emm982
Hey, I was thinking to apply for Lupton as a back up choice of accommodation being cheap etc. I went up to Leeds to get a better idea of the place. I found out that Lupton is a fair distance from campus, about 30 mins walk (about an hour from the city centre), and is down on the side of a hill from the uni. So the walk in may be a bit of a pain. However it is just up hill about a 10-15 minute walk from a Lidl and Asda :smile:

Yeah, the walk is the only thing putting me off, I'm hopefully doing human physiology so there will be a lot of 9am lectures and long days, and so the walk may make it even worse!

I'm also looking at Montague Burton, does anyone know anything about that?
Original post by alicecn135
Hey! I'm in my final year now but was in Lupton in first year. I applied for Central Village which has an en suite so was really apprehensive when I got put in Lupton haha. But honestly it's fine! You share with five including yourself and there's a cleaner that comes round every morning I think it was to clean the shower etc. So it's no dirtier than having your own! If anything it makes you more sociable because you have to talk to your flatmates because you'll always see them in the corridor. I won't lie , not having a common room is pretty annoying it meant all trying to squeeze into someone's room when you're watching a film and stuff but I would recommend it yeah. It is really sociable especially in the first few weeks everyone opens their flats up and you meet so many people through parties. The facilities are very basic but in a way I liked it because it felt like the proper student experience with no luxury haha. The walk is actually fine at first it feels like forever but once you're used to it it doesn't feel that long and headingley is a good Student place to be in in first year. As well, don't worry if you and your housemates all don't get on I'm still really good friends with 2 of my flatmates and people from other flats so there's always someone around. If I'm honest I'm a bit of a princess so the though of being in grimy Lupton terrified me but actually I don't regret it!

Ahh, thanks so much for your response - really helpful! Can i ask what course you did? I'm hopefully doing Human Physiology which is quite an intensive course so worried the walk and the lively atmosphere may be too much:/
Reply 5
Lupton is great the walk really isn't that bad only about 30 mins and really straight forward and it's worth it for all the bars and pubs and the shopping centre that is literally a 1min walk from the accom. Plus the accom isn't that bad for How cheap it is the rooms are big and the kitchen ain't too bad get a sound system in there and some disco lights and trust self isolating has never been so fun plus the kitchens are really sound proof so although the halls are nice and lively it's always quiet when going to sleep. Outside the grounds are nice with an area with benches and a barbecue and whenever you walk around you always seem to end up chatting to a random person out their window or something the social vibe is lovely. Don't be put off with the price as I say the location is banging and the rooms are chill with big desks. I applied for Monty but am so glad I got here wouldn't wanna stay anywhere else trust. (I was born in London but I was made in lupton residencies)
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I’m currently staying at Lupton Residences in Block J (2021/22). This is my room if it’s useful to anyone :smile:
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I’m currently staying at Lupton Residences in Block J (2021/22). This is my room if it’s useful to anyone :smile:
Original post by katiiieghjkl
I'm currently deciding on accommodation for University of Leeds for next year and at the moment I'm leaning the most towards Lupton, just because of the how cheap it is and from what i've heard a really good social life. But just wondering if that's worth it if the facilities aren't that great? How is sharing a bathroom with large number of people? How is having no common room? Thanks for any help!

I think not bad for me, though the location is a bit far, but anyway there are buses, and people there are nice, cost effective as well
Original post by katiiieghjkl
I'm currently deciding on accommodation for University of Leeds for next year and at the moment I'm leaning the most towards Lupton, just because of the how cheap it is and from what i've heard a really good social life. But just wondering if that's worth it if the facilities aren't that great? How is sharing a bathroom with large number of people? How is having no common room? Thanks for any help!

Not bad for me generally, I would choose to live again if given a second chance

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