The Student Room Group

I finally did it ^^

Well hello everyone. Many will know of what I am talking about but some won't. Basically I like this girl from my work and I finally told her tonight ^^
I feel the results are mostly negative seeing as when I told her she said "I'll think about things" generally gonna see that as a no she doesn't like me aswell. But then again she could actually want to think about things so aye, I'm gonna keep an open mind set.
Even if the results aren't what I'd hoped for I'm just proud of myself in being so open with her, because generally I am very reserved about my emotions despite my outlandish and hyperactive personality.
The way I'm looking at it now is that, it's better to of told her and found out if she liked me and finding out she doesn't then passing up the chance when there is the possibility that she does. So aye ^^
Just thought y'aal might like to know seeing as you seemed to be waiting with baited breath lol

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YAY well done. :smile:
Reply 2
Congratulations. :smile: I hope that you'll return with more good news in the near future.
Reply 3
you are crime
Congratulations. :smile: I hope that you'll return with more good news in the near future.

Aye I hope so too ^^ but as I said I shall not be bummed if I don't. This is a great learning curve for me ^^
Reply 4
Hey i didnt read your first thread, but well done!
I know that i would never have the guts to do it. Plus the number of times i've liked someone been to scared to do anything and found out like a year later that they liked me too grrrrr thats annoying.

In the end you'll get the same result, she either likes you or not, telling her just increasing the chances of things happening, rather than just fizzing out.
Reply 5
Hope it goes well kid.
Reply 6
Nice one mate! You've done the hard bit.
Reply 7
I'm happy for you and all, but surely it would have been better to ask if she wanted to go for coffee or something rather than just tell her you like her?
Reply 8
Nah because if you ask someone to coffee that could be all it was, just coffee. So I don't really see the point in that ^^ although tis nice spending time with her tbh
Yeahhhh well done dude! Hope it all goes well and she returns with some good news!
Reply 10
Nah because if you ask someone to coffee that could be all it was, just coffee. So I don't really see the point in that ^^ although tis nice spending time with her tbh

I think I must be living on another planet.:s-smilie:

Telling someone you like them gets you no-where. It's like "Yes, and...? You like me. What are you going to do about it?" Getting a coffee gets you a number and a chance to prove yourself, gets you a dinner, gets you poon.

That's a tad harsh, but I genuinely just thought "wtf?" when I read this thread. Good luck I guess.:smile:
cool. if it goes your way, you'll end up with the girl you like, but otherwise hopefully you'll take some confidence from this. So the next girl you like, you might no tbe so worried about asking....
I like to see the silver lining.

(when i first saw the title to this thread, i did think "oh no, surely someone isnt going to start decribing how they lost their virginity or something", lol)
Lol nah I don't think I would post on a forum my first time having sex ^^ no matter how nice you lot are.
I think I must be living on another planet.:s-smilie:

I can see teenageclay's point though, its not very direct if you just approach it from the side and tippytoe around it like that, yanno?
I dont think theres any harm either way, but lets see how it goes!!

Lol nah I don't think I would post on a forum my first time having sex ^^ no matter how nice you lot are.

Well done ;thumbsup;

Its better to know either way so you can move on with your life and so you know whether she is going to be a part of it or not!

Hope it works out for you :hugs:
Nope not the first time I'd spoken to her lol, I've been out with her and she's been to my house and stuff. That's why coffee would literally just be coffee
Reply 16
id love to have the guts to do that mate. you may have gone through a barrier where you can do it again and again. lucky sod. lol
Yeah I think you're really brave! Good luck anyway :wink:
Reply 18
I think I must be living on another planet.:s-smilie:

Telling someone you like them gets you no-where. It's like "Yes, and...? You like me. What are you going to do about it?" Getting a coffee gets you a number and a chance to prove yourself, gets you a dinner, gets you poon.

That's a tad harsh, but I genuinely just thought "wtf?" when I read this thread. Good luck I guess.:smile:

So tell me, how do you cross the line between friends and gf if you just go for coffee and don't tell them you like them:confused: Everyone goes for coffee lol its so casual. I might have agreed with you if you mentioned offering going for a night out or to a concert.
=how do you cross the line between friends and gf if you just go for coffee and don't tell them you like them:confused:

I agree that there is some level of ambiguity, but ultimately the contextual information will say whether or not you are friends or in a relationship.