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Audrey Hepburn

Anyway, in defense of ScholarsInk, I'm sure that he didn't mean that he expects to apply for one, more (like me :awesome:) that he hopes he will be good enough to in a few years time. At least I hope that's what he meant.

^^Exactly^^ As I said, it is a goal - not a plan. While I probably shan't get to that point, having it as a goal is a nice motivating factor both now when I am applying and hopefully next year if/when I enter Oxford.

Apologies for the poor grammar. It's not my fault; I'm American :biggrin:
I'm sorry, but your gratuitous mention of your dad's job just makes you sound arrogant. It's nice that your interest in academia is somewhat informed, but I can't help but feel you could have got that fact across in a more modest way.

FWIW, I think it's nice you're aiming to do so well - hopefully aiming for a Prize Fellowship will make you work really hard, so even if you don't get a top first you should do well. Alternatively, you might get nasty Finals papers and still only manage a 2.i, but have missed out on extracurriculars and a social life - try to have a non-academic life, as well?

I'm honestly not being arrogant. I stated something I would like to do in a thread on the subject. If any offence was taken, I apologize. I would also like to add that I did not know that there was a particularly high first as a prerequisite for applying. All I know about the Prize Fellowship is what I was told by a Prize Scholar I met at Open Day.
I thought it was 7 years?

Having looked at the exams, I'm sorely tempted. The economics ones are interesting questions, the general ones have enough choice that there's plenty I'm interested in, and I love the one-word essay titles at the end. Especially "Water". I'd love to see what I'd come up with being so free to take an angle discuss it. If I get a first, I may well go for it. It means I can get to do a masters without having to commit to the PhD after.

Did you go for it in the end? Super bump I know. I now have discovered which colleges are in my signature during that funky Christmas moment of snow. Took me ages working out the one in the background - best building for me out of all colleges, shame it's a non-student one. :/
Reply 63
Did you go for it in the end? Super bump I know. I now have discovered which colleges are in my signature during that funky Christmas moment of snow. Took me ages working out the one in the background - best building for me out of all colleges, shame it's a non-student one. :/

Unless I'm very much mistaken, All Souls is the only college in that picture.:s-smilie:
Unless I'm very much mistaken, All Souls is the only college in that picture.:s-smilie:

I thought Brasenose was on the right (that circular looking thing). Not sure if I like the picture that much now because they do seem rather yellow. :/
Reply 65
Did you go for it in the end?

Not yet. I'm still tempted to in 2010.

I thought Brasenose was on the right (that circular looking thing). Not sure if I like the picture that much now because they do seem rather yellow. :/

No, that's the Radcliffe Camera, part of the Bodlein Library. It's a university building. Although you can see the very edge of Brasenose to the right of the tree.
arghhh I missed the women's open evening. Damn it. Why did they send us an email about that 3 months ago then never send a reminder? So annoyed.
Did you go for it in the end? Super bump I know. I now have discovered which colleges are in my signature during that funky Christmas moment of snow. Took me ages working out the one in the background - best building for me out of all colleges, shame it's a non-student one. :/

All Souls and the very edge of Brasenose. Its taken from somewhere in Brasenose Lane type area., and you can see the Rad Cam (A Library) in the foreground
Reply 68
The picture is taken from Exeter, I think, you can see some of our Garden in the foreground.
Cheers folks. :cool: