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A-level biology edexcel - revision notes AS

I'm am currently in myfirst year of A-levels studying biology with the exam board edexcel - salters nuffield. I waswondering if anyone had any good websites or resources for revision and notes.I'm writing up my own at the moment but it could be quite useful to compare withothers and share. The topics are: Lifestyle, health and risk, genes and health,voice of the genome, biodiversity and natural resources. Thank you
(edited 8 years ago)

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Reply 1
I take no credit for these notes, they are not mine!
Reply 2
Let me know if I've got anything wrong or missed something out
Reply 3
Here are some unit 1 notes.
Reply 4
Original post by ilovefruit
I take no credit for these notes, they are not mine!

I just used the textbook and the cgp revision guide last year which worked well enough! where did you find those revision cards (just wondering if there were any for A2)?
Reply 5
Original post by 1234567hh
I just used the textbook and the cgp revision guide last year which worked well enough! where did you find those revision cards (just wondering if there were any for A2)?

I got them from here :
Hiii, these notes are so helpful. Have you got anymore for the other topics?? I would greatly appreciate it thank youuu!
Here are some unit 1 notes.

Hiii, these notes are so helpful. Have you got anymore for the other topics?? I would greatly appreciate it thank youuu!
Reply 8
Here are my notes for unit 2 of AS biology form last year (I did Edexcel). Hope you find them helpful :smile:.
Reply 9
Original post by Najlac
Here are my notes for unit 2 of AS biology form last year (I did Edexcel). Hope you find them helpful :smile:.

Have you made any notes for unit 3 yet (topics 5&6)? Your AS notes are a life saver!
Reply 10
Hi do you have any notes for unit 1 please
Original post by 1234567hh
I just used the textbook and the cgp revision guide last year which worked well enough! where did you find those revision cards (just wondering if there were any for A2)?

My son needs A2 revision notes too!

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by Antonia Jane
My son needs A2 revision notes too!

Posted from TSR Mobile

This is a pretty good website, it's doesn't match exactly to the spec but it's a good starting point
Reply 13
Original post by ilovefruit
I'm am currently in myfirst year of A-levels studying biology with the exam board edexcel - salters nuffield. I waswondering if anyone had any good websites or resources for revision and notes.I'm writing up my own at the moment but it could be quite useful to compare withothers and share. The topics are: Lifestyle, health and risk, genes and health,voice of the genome, biodiversity and natural resources. Thank you

Hiya, I found these notes on TSR sometime back and they really helped me!Hope you find them helpful too. These are only for unit 2 though!
Original post by Noara
Hiya, I found these notes on TSR sometime back and they really helped me!Hope you find them helpful too. These are only for unit 2 though!

When I try to open the link, is says 'error message'
These notes are amazing! DO you have any for the other topics?
Here are some unit 1 notes.
do you have a pdf for the cgp revision guide plz!
Here are some unit 1 notes.

These were really helpful, do you have any more?
These all are really helpful! Thank you!
hi can u pls upload topic 2,3 and 4 as well.. the notes were very helpful.

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