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Do you see the person you love (bf/?gf) enough times during the week to feel happy

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Do you see the person you love (bf/?gf) enough times during the week to feel happy?

Total votes: 93
:smile: Hey you guys.Im sorry if this thread topic has been done before but im just wondering....Do you see the person you love (bf/?gf) enough times during the week to feel happy and content.Im saying this because I feel i dont get to see her enough times.We used to see each other twice a week:Once at tae kwon do class(where we met) and maybe sometimes during the week or on the weekend.:smile:

But just recently i havent been able to see her as much as i want.Its been averaging once a week now seeing her at tae kwon do on fridays for 2-3 hours and in that time we are usually taking part in class,in opposite groups so we dont really get to talk.I cant describe or enphasise how much i look forward to seeing her on fridays but im never as happy as i should be when i see her because im always thinking that after these few hours i have to wait a whole week just to see her again.:frown:

Theres obviously a reason why we cant see each other during the week:because the examinations have started and wont be over for at least another month.She always says after exams we will spend loads of time together-and this i cannot wait for.

I just wish i would act happier on friidays to try and make what little time we have really special instead of asking "oh can i see you during the week etc"I just get sooo frustrated that we dont get a proper moment together by ourselves just to speak or even to have a proper hug,because theres always people around staring etc All i ask for is a few minutes but even thats impossible to get.We obviously speak a lot while we are there but theres never enough time to have so quality time/conversation with her (if you understand what i mean?)

Im not asking for any advice in particular but would like to know if anyone feels the same way as me and if they do-how do they cope with it and put it to the back of their minds,get on with their week and just enjoy the moment.(especially people in long distance relationships)(although my relationship isnt long distance at all!)

Im sorry if this sounds really silly as i know lots of people probably are a lot worse off than me but i cant help it.When you love someone with all your heart its hard to think of anything else and it can drive you insane!!!:eek: I just miss her soooo much:frown:

Thanks for reading and hopefully posting.I appreciate every one:smile:

From Andy x

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Although im happy with my life in general at the minute, I chose no because I dont see my boyfriend enough. That is simply because hes away at university though- but hes finished his exams now and will be back for the summer soon!

I do speak to him every day and see him every few weeks, but its not the same as being with him all the time like I used to. Id be alsot happier If I could see him more often.
On the plus side, I do appreciate him and our realtionship more, and when I do get to see him im smiling for weeks after :biggrin:
Reply 2
My boyfriend and I see each other around once or twice a week. We wish we could see each other more, but we're happy with it because some couples don't get to see each other as often as that. We might only live around 15 minutes away but with college, and work it's sometimes difficult to see each other as often as we would like. For me, it keeps the excitement there. I look forward to seeing him, get butterflies and such :p: I don't think I would experience that as much if we were to see each other every day.

It's not silly to feel like that at all though, it's only natural that you two want to spend time together! Things are always a little different during exam time, and it might seem as if it will drag on forever but make the most of the time you've got right now and when exams finish, see each other more often.

As you're busy with exams, it's sometimes quite difficult to do this but keep doing the things that you enjoy, such as meeting up with friends. That will keep you fairly distracted, not too distracted I hope since you have exams, but it might make it easier for you and help keep your mind off how little of her you are seeing. That might sound quite rude, but you know what I mean! :rolleyes:
Reply 3
I see my fiance 5 out of 7 days and I am happy with that.
I don't see him on a Monday or Wednesday as I have staff meeting so by the time I get in from work he is playing football and he also plays football or cricket on Wednesdays.

I quite like my little nights to myself though to just do what I fancy.
Reply 4
We live in the same halls so even if we don't really have much time we will try and have dinner together :smile:
i live with him and apart from when I need to roll around lots in bed, spend every day and every night with him.
Next year he moves to london though so will be back on LDR status :frown:
Reply 6
No, I'm far too lazy, which is why I get dumped within a couple of weeks usually of starting a relationship. Lol. Still, my choice.
Reply 7
I see my boyfriend once a week, sometimes once but we speak everyday, we are both the type of people who can't be around one person for too long though so it suits us fine. I do miss him like crazy in between seeing him but like someone else said, that makes it more exciting when i do see him :smile:
Reply 8
I love my boyfriend dearly and we're both happy in our relationship, despite not being able to see one another enough - though our relationship's a long-distance one (with different countries involved) so not really comparable to your situation. We talk every night. Currently we see one another every 4-10 weeks (10 weeks is really hard though, and I hope we'll never have to do it again), and while I'm not happy with that situation per se, I'm happy in my relationship - there's no point being sad about something you can't change, particularly considering that the distance is only temporary anyway (I'm moving closer to London next year so it'll be easier to travel, and then after that year we're moving in together anyway).
Reply 9
I see mine every 6 weeks at most, and we're in the same country! We both do intensive courses and work really hard so its not always easy to see each other.

Once he moves to Singapore next month i will only be able to see him once in the 9/10 months he is there. Not looking forward to that but if we work hard we'll get through it.
Well, I normally see my boyfriend twice a week, for kinda long periods of time,but at the moment I can't because of exams, which it sounds as though everyone is in the same position. So I only see him about once every 11 days (ish)

It isn't really affecting me that much because I have other things bothering me at the moment, couldn't deal wth worrying about my relationship as well!

So yeah, I'm sure it'll get back to normal soon, time flies, it has been like this since the end of March in my relationship, but this week is the last week of it! YAY! lol :smile:
Reply 11
I tend to spend most nights at my boyfriend's, apart from the occasions when we're too busy/tired. So yeah, I'm more than happy with that :smile:
Although by next month I'll have to leave hall to go back to the 'rents for summer, so it'll be a LDR until I'm back in September... Will probably still visit each other occasionally, but it won't be the same :frown:
We see eachother every day, just the way I like it :biggrin:
Reply 13
Not at the minute.

We both always say that.

Nothing we can do until I get my Driving Test sorted. Shouldn't be too long.
See her maybe 4 or 5 times a week, normally for 3 or 4 hours at a time. Though we do tend to miss each other quite a bit so we talk every day and have been spending much longer spells together (sleeping over or spending 12 hour days together) just because it's exam leave so we have the chance. But i think i'm happy, if i saw her even more then i'd end up going crazy lol
I see him nearly every day, sometimes for about an hour sometimes for up to 5 hours, but rarely more. He felt we were seeing each other too much and didn't want to be such an 'obvious couple' so I'm taking the chance to see my friends more...actually when he's away (he sometimes goes home for the weekend) I am usually busy seeing ppl the whole time but I think he seems to think I sit and twiddle my thumbs when he's not here.....
Grr no I don't - my boyfriend's at uni so I only get to see him every other weekend and it sucks :frown: But what makes me happy is from October we're at the same uni and we can pratically live together, all being well. :smile:
Reply 17
I spend all weekend with my boyfriend, this is fine for me and i always have something to look forward to if my week has been crap.
I am happy so I guess the answer is yes.

Ask me again during the summer holidays and obviously the answer will be different. But whilst at university I like the way things work right now.
To be honest no. But I'd spend every minute with him if I could :p: lol. I used to get to see him like every single day for pretty much all of the day til I went home at night (I would go to his house first thing in the morning or straight after college). But now he works every day so although we still usually see each other every day, it's only at night.