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fancy a guy all my mates hate

well, hence the title, theres a guy that ive known since i left school (about 2 years now) and we were such good friends for ages and ages until he made the mistake of reversing into my friends car and being a complete **** about the insurance claims (i think it was mainly his dad making him act like a tw** lol) but lately weve been getting close again and my mates all hate the idea that i keep texting him and stuff and keep saying hes a mug and stuff for what happened but i really think he has learnt from his mistakes. things are just really confusing atm and i know he likes me aswell and the other thing is that he is moving away in september and in his words 'he tends to push people away when they get close and he doesnt want to do that to me" just rele confused and wondered if anyone could help me please! xx
Even if he was a complete idiot because of what he did in the past, you're friends should let go of it if you like him and be happy that both you and this guy like eachother etc. About the fact he is moving away in september.. can't you just see how it goes until then?he seems to care about you through saying he doesn't want to push you away. There's plenty of other guys out there for you anyway even if it doesn't work out with him :smile:
In a way I can understand why your friends are being like that.
Maybe your friends have a point, then again maybe they don't.

If you really like him, go for it I guess, your friends should be there for you regardless.

However, you said he's leaving in September. Could you handle either just a summer fling, or a potential LDR?
Reply 4
from experiance 2 things will happen
1.your frineds will grow to like him

2.your friends will be right

in my experiance 2 is much more likely, but hey, you need to make your own mistakes, after all we regret the things we dont do, often not the things we do do.
Reply 5
ive decided just to let things be with him- stay mates cos its for the best and i know that ma mates r all probably rite lol as usual! xx
From personal experience of liking someone all my mates hated...
Gradually we started talking and grew really close. He was one of the very few people I learned to trust. He did tell me that I needed better mates, and that they werent worth having. Few months later came the question: 'Will you go out with me?' was over msn so not exactly ideal. Told him I wasnt sure (coz of my mates). Then he went off. Later that night his mate was talking to me telling me I should give him a chance he does truly like me not messing me around. (I didnt tell my mates anything about this coz of what they thought of him). Tried talking to him next day, and he told me where to go basically. Theres alot more that happened but anyway I really regret not taking that chance and risking it. To this day we don't speak. Last time we spoke properly was last February (as was around my birthday) and he moved away last summer.
But, the thing is, a few months after he'd asked me out, my mates stopped hating him. I couldve kicked myself for not taking that chance. And also, I kinda drifted away from that group of mates and into another group, as he was right, I did need better mates, as hard as it was to admit it to myself.
If I was you, I would take a chance with him, as when he moves away you dont wanna keep asking yourself 'What if?' like I did. Your mates may hate him now, but if they want you to be happy and can see you're happy with him, they'll stop hating him. Or will just stop hating him like mine did. I mean I dont agree with one of my mates choice of bf, but she's happy, I havent seen her this happy in ages, so I'm just glad she's got that now.
That probably dont help at all lol but I just think you may end up regretting it.
Reply 7
In my opinion, that's a case of the classic girl bitchiness.
Reply 8
its not just the girls its the guys aswell.. infact its mainly the guys that r telling me hes a complete **** lol! xx
Reply 9
Did they not teach him to park? How did he pass his driving test!?
Reply 10
Did they not teach him to park? How did he pass his driving test!?

he wasnt even trying to park lol he was driving away but for some reason he decided to reverse and said that he didnt even see my friend in the car behind despite him sayin goodbye five seconds before lol! and its ppl like me who can drive who the testers refuse to pass just cos she cant reverse park lol! just shows that driving tests are rubbish! xx