The Student Room Group

Camper van accomodation?

I have been offerd a camper van (circa 1066 admittedly) that looks suitable for use instead of halls, if i can find somewhere to park it (first choice St Andrews, second choice Leeds). Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or has anyone tried it?

All ideas and opinions greatfully recived, and from anyone at either university, information on parking availability, within 25 mins walk of the relevent med school, or further with leeds assuming good bus links.

Many Thanks

Have you thought about practicalities such as running water/washing facilities?
Camper vans are okay for short trips, but I couldn't imagine living in one long term.
Reply 2
Where will you go to the toilet? Where will you wash? Does it have a fridge?

You will also miss out on the halls experience.. get it but use it for fun! Go camping with friends (What is it meant for!)
Reply 3
Most universities have pretty draconian parking policies - you're very unlikely to be able to park on campus anywhere, and you're really not going to be able to find anywhere within a resonable distance of a city where you can park up permanently. You're likley to be moved on by the council.

Also, like everyone else says, how are you going to manage for water and power? What about cleaning and emptying a chemical toilet? Washing your clothes? Having a shower? Cooking a meal? What about in winter when it's freezing and you've got to study/write an essay (especially if you go to Scotland lol)? How will you manage for internet access? What about safety and security issues? It's really not a good idea for permanent living. Even if you did manage to find somewhere to pitch it for a long period, it's likely to be at least as expensive as halls - most caravan sites etc charge by the night and it can be about £15-£20, if not more for a nice place with a shower block etc.
Reply 4
I would not do it. Park it up at home, leave it there and bring it up to uni in summer when you need to move stuff back home and go for camping trips with a few mates
Reply 5
Noooooo! Live in halls! :eek3:
Reply 6
I think you might just be getting too enthused about uni.
Get a grip lad. Not only content with the idea that you will finally be an uber cool trendy student, you have now decided to take ****tishness to a whole new level. I can envisage you sat outside it strumming a guitar on the grass while one of your mates plays with one of those f'****** diablo things, looking to seek attention from all and sundry. Tow the line, and pack all this whacky behaviour in now.
you buy your little camper van, it'll make it easier for me to spot the quegs and i can come round and give you a straightener lad.
Another point, is that campervans offer largely inferior facilities to that of even the worst university halls. I hope you get a hole in the roof during rain, that will learn you.
Get a grip lad. Not only content with the idea that you will finally be an uber cool trendy student, you have now decided to take ****tishness to a whole new level. I can envisage you sat outside it strumming a guitar on the grass while one of your mates plays with one of those f'****** diablo things, looking to seek attention from all and sundry. Tow the line, and pack all this whacky behaviour in now.

lmfao. Legend :biggrin:
Reply 11
Hahaha... how embarassing would it be to tell people where you live?

"So, what halls you in?"
"Erm... I'm not"
"Oh, shared house?"
"Er... no"
"Ah, still at home with the parents, fair enough."
"Er... not that either, I sorta live in... well... a camper van"

If you want to 'get lucky' so to speak on nights out, or even just have a social life of any kind, then a camper van is not the way to go. :biggrin:
Original post by Talya
Where will you go to the toilet? Where will you wash? Does it have a fridge?

You will also miss out on the halls experience.. get it but use it for fun! Go camping with friends (What is it meant for!)

no need for the cheek buster
ill ride my bike to come sort you out myself