The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Well that's nice - why don't you tell us first?
Reply 2
went 2 my best m8s house...met her neighbour!! 2 months later we were a couple :smile:
Reply 4
At his school's sixth form open evening. I didn't end up going there but I ended up with him :biggrin:
met him at college, through my sister.
my older sister & i are in the same year, & she met him in one of her classes.
god bless siblings :smile:
Well even though I'm not in a relationship at the moment...


are the most common places for me
Reply 7
Work :smile:
Reply 8
Through a Uni friend who introduced us in a bar :smile:
At uni (at a TSR meet-up..)
Reply 10
when I worked part time as a tour guide in Spanish, and he was with a group of visiting Peruvian students who needed a tour :biggrin:
Reply 11
Reply 12
At a lecture on the 'flu! :biggrin:
my ex- @ uni queing up for the club. twice in exact same place.
We were both on the same college trip to Spain with Spanish.
The first time i met him, we were both stood outside a childrens clothes shop in Santander, Northern Spain.
Reply 16
At the School I used to go to, we were best friends for about 3 years before we started going out:smile:
Reply 17
I met my boyfriend when I was in school. God, that feels like such a long time ago!
Online (profile site), just as mates since august last year hadn't spoken to him for about 3 months and then when my ex broke up with me a week before xmas (we were onli together for 2 motnhs)! i went out with him to celebrate new years and here we are just over 5 months later happier than ever :biggrin:
sixth form :smile: