According to the Blackwell website, some places have a Blackwell bookstore on the university campus. Also, there are some on the high street or somewhere else in the city/town.
I was wondering which Blackwell bookshop will have more stock, the ones on the university campuses or on the high street? Which will have a larger 'shop floor space'?
Could non-university students go to the Blackwell bookshop on the university campuses?
The reason I am asking this is that I am planning to buy some books from there. They seem to have a wide range of books, especially academic ones than Waterstones. The academic books that I seem to want won't be in Waterstones after checking them out. If I order it from Waterstones or, it will take a long time for them to deliver it.
Thanks for your help.
Do most students buy or order books from Blackwell more or from, Waterstones, Otakars, etc....?