The Student Room Group

Physiotherapy First Year Texts

As soon as exams finish, I'd like to get some first year Physio textbooks so I can get learning on what will come next year. I will be going to Nottingham but any information on textbooks from any university doing Physio would be useful :biggrin: I will be asking the department soon but I'd just like to know what ones are being used by current first years. Thanks!

(P.S - I know that I will go through and learn it all again during the course of the year, so I'd appreciate it if people didn't post saying there's no point in doing this)
Okay I won't say there is no point! Just take it as read. So if you must...

The texts that i have used most of the time this year are, the Marieb for Anatomy and Gray's Anatomy for Students, as a backup. I bought Gray's and have borrowed Marieb from the university library. My copy was a weekly loan! so the loan has been renewed about 28 times this year. If you use a library version try and get it on a monthly loan version. That covers most of the Anatomy though you may find that your lecturers used a different one to prepare their lectures and it might be worth seeing what they recommend.

I also like the Anatomy Colouring Book by Kapit. You can get that on Amazon for about £9.99 which is half the price from Waterstones. You can also get a Physiology version but i haven't seen it so can't recommend it.

For general information I would suggest the Physiotherapist Pocket Book, and Tidy's Physiotherapy. A Dictionary of Physiotherapy is also handy for browsing through.

You could also try looking at some specific texts dealing with Neuro, Musculo-skeletal and Respiratory.

You'll probably be doing some study skills as part of your course so a read of a book dealing with that is a good idea. You'll also be doing a lot! about Evidence Based Practice and every man and his dog have written about that. You could try Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy by R Herbert and his mates.

I understand why you want to read ahead, but you will be immersed in Physio for the next 9 months, until next summer, and frankly you could get a bit jaded if you don't give yourself some breathing space this summer and wind down a bit.

I would also recommend not buying anything until you see what is available in the uni library. Some books you may only use a couple of times, others you may find yourself glued to. But you won't know until you need them. I would suggest buying the colouring book and search Amazon for the others to get their ISBN numbers. Once you got the ISBN numbers ask your local library to obtain copies for you. Then in September when you have your book list you can decide what to buy and what to borrow from the library.

Reply 2
well... as I'm almost finished uni (and haven't touched them since 1st year) I am selling a couple of books if you are interested?! Sorry for the shamless plug!:redface:

I've got Anatomy and Human Movement by Palastanga, Field and Soames- very good anatomy text, it was really useful when I did my anatomy module...

also: Anatomy: Palpation and Surface Markings by Field- really useful for locating bony bits and nerves etc!...

If you're keen to get some books now they are a good place to start!:biggrin: Send me a PM if you are interested!
Reply 3
As soon as exams finish, I'd like to get some first year Physio textbooks so I can get learning on what will come next year. I will be going to Nottingham but any information on textbooks from any university doing Physio would be useful :biggrin: I will be asking the department soon but I'd just like to know what ones are being used by current first years. Thanks!

We used Palastanga as our set book for Anatomy, but to be honest my favourite anatomy book this year - the one I turn to first of all - is the Anatomy Colouring Book. I really need to see good diagrams to help orientate myself, and so I use the colouring book as a starting point, then Palastanga for the details.

We used Tortora as our set text for Physiology, but I'd hold off before buying that one because it's very bulky and expensive and your department may recommend a different text. Also, when you start in September, lots of book sellers will be doing discounts on academic books, so you'll be able to take advantage of that.

A really good book to read over the summer would be Human Movement by Trew and Everett. This is a very readable introductory text to biomechanics, which is a concept some physio students (including me) find difficult to grasp at first. If you do too, this book will really help.
Reply 4
Thanks for the info and advice guys (I know it wasn't me that asked, but I like to butt in :p:).

Lionhearted - so you are going to Nottingham then! How was the open day and where are you staying?
See you there! :smile:
Reply 5
Hey - thanks for the info: will probably get the Physiotherapist's Pocket Book - looks like it'll have a good general knowledge - anything else I can borrow from the library or purchase when Im advised to.

And yes, Im going to Notts - BGP. The Open Day was really good - met a few of the people also coming but think I was the only person extroverted enough to break uncomfortable silences - the first year physios were all talkative but only I seemed to be chatting back, all the Sixth Formers seemed scared lol! PM me.