The Student Room Group

Girton College

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But what if they switch them round, like you told me about once?
The sides don't chance, just the stroke will turn to a bow-sider and 7 will become stroke-side and so on.
Reply 141
The sides don't chance, just the stroke will turn to a bow-sider and 7 will become stroke-side and so on.

But they don't change the names? That would be confusing.
But they don't change the names? That would be confusing.
:rolleyes: Maybe to a medic, everyone else seems to cope fine...
Reply 143
:rolleyes: Maybe to a medic, everyone else seems to cope fine...

You better damn hope I know my left from my right :tongue: and I'm sure I'll learn strokeside/bowside soon enough.
You better damn hope I know my left from my right :tongue: and I'm sure I'll learn strokeside/bowside soon enough.
When you're novicing you mean?
Reply 145
When you're novicing you mean?

The first for when I'm a surgeon, the second for if/when I novice.
The first for when I'm a surgeon, the second for if/when I novice.
You're are novicing, I'm going to sign you up for Cambridge Women next summer, you have one season to get in shape. :tongue:
Reply 147
You're are novicing, I'm going to sign you up for Cambridge Women next summer, you have one season to get in shape. :tongue:

What makes you think I'll ever be blue boat standard? I don't think so. I won't even be college 1st boat.
What makes you think I'll ever be blue boat standard? I don't think so. I won't even be college 1st boat.
Come on, who couldn't get in a womens crew. :tongue: You could get there with one arm tied behind your back.
Reply 149
Come on, who couldn't get in a womens crew. :tongue: You could get there with one arm tied behind your back.

Hmmm...coming from Mr "Yours will be more 'catch-drive-CRAB-release' " I hardly think so. I'm good at kayaking, but that has much shorter blades. I doubt I will be an amazing rower.
Hmmm...coming from Mr "Yours will be more 'catch-drive-CRAB-release' " I hardly think so. I'm good at kayaking, but that has much shorter blades. I doubt I will be an amazing rower.
That's what all womens crew are like; you'll fit in fine. :wink:
Reply 151
That's what all womens crew are like; you'll fit in fine. :wink:

*sharpens one edge of her blade in preparation for the encounter with the swearing Oxonian*
*sharpens one edge of her blade in preparation for the encounter with the swearing Oxonian*
Like you'd be able to catch me... :rolleyes:
Reply 153
Like you'd be able to catch me... :rolleyes:

I wasn't planning on chasing you :tongue: I won't take your abuse lightly though, trust me on that...
I wasn't planning on chasing you :tongue: I won't take your abuse lightly though, trust me on that...
You going along at 15 strokes, whilst I'm at 34+...
Reply 155
You going along at 15 strokes, whilst I'm at 34+...

And you try to overtake us, and shout nasty things at me and whooops, I slipped somehow! :eek:
And you try to overtake us, and shout nasty things at me and whooops, I slipped somehow! :eek:
It would take you 5 minutes to get the blade out the water. :rolleyes: 5 minutes = 200 strokes = miles away... :tongue:
Reply 157
It would take you 5 minutes to get the blade out the water. :rolleyes: 5 minutes = 200 strokes = miles away... :tongue:

Keep can't make excuses for everything. If we accidentally happen to be blocking the river due to our tremendous lack of skill :tongue:
Keep can't make excuses for everything. If we accidentally happen to be blocking the river due to our tremendous lack of skill :tongue:
Don't the M1's row on a different strech of water most of the time, anyway?
Reply 159
Don't the M1's row on a different strech of water most of the time, anyway?

Erm, there's not actually that much of the Cam that is rowable - there's a lock further up. I don't really know if they row on different stretches to be honest, just usually at different times.

Edit: oooh, 4000! Post slut queen! :biggrin: