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I found it ok.
What was the man doing with the zebra though?
Reply 2
I thought that test was reli hard. i tottaly ****ed up. hopin for an A* but thats out the window lol.
what zebra?
Reply 4
It was a man talking about a young people's education programme he had been a part of where he was the voice of the zebra in the programme. He said that he had gotten back late a lot and that he would like to try his hand as a singer. He said a singer-actor. So i gathered he wanted to do both but try more with the singing. It was all ok, but I hated the Madagascar question! Lost about 5 or 6 marks on that. What do people think the grade boundaries will be?
Reply 5
I thought that test was reli hard. i tottaly ****ed up. hopin for an A* but thats out the window lol.

If you got an A* in speaking and get it in reading and writing you will be fine! You will still get an A* as you would only need a high C or a low B in the listening. A 'B' is usually around 21 so surely you will be fine!
32/40 A*
25/40 A

Something like that....

I found the test ok...did anyone put in the Madagascar question that they got Independence from France in 1960?

The one where the guy was asking what he should do in certain situations was stupid.

I'm tired, i need a sleep? Well go to bloody bed then! :wink:

But our tape jammed in the middle of Q19, started repeating every word like 5times...couldn't hear anything! :frown:
I thought that it was fairly easy, with a couple of hard questions in it. And yeah, I put that it got independance in 1960 :smile:.

And yeah, I see what you mean. And one of the questions I thought was ambiguous-the one about being cold. I thought that it could be the hot drink or the gloves. I put the gloves in the end.

And I think those boundaries sound about right.
Reply 8
I hated it, but then again I've always hated listening; not helped by the jerk behind me who couldn't stop fidgetting.

Don't you agree the exam board should put the recordings on CD with far better quality? I'm sick of pathetic cassettes.
Reply 9
I hated it, but then again I've always hated listening; not helped by the jerk behind me who couldn't stop fidgetting.

Don't you agree the exam board should put the recordings on CD with far better quality? I'm sick of pathetic cassettes.

Definitely! The hissing on the tape was ridiculous!
Reply 10
some of you are not happy that you lost 5 or 6 marks. Well when i counted at the end i only got 5 marks that i know of out of the 40, the rest i guessed:frown:
Reply 11
A lorry drove past in the middle of ours! I thought it was quite hard - harder than the german for example. I know I got loads wrong at the end.
i found it really difficult but mainly because i had difficulty hearing important words, as it was in a big room with a lot of people.. soo just as they are about to say something crucial someone decides to start flicking through the answer book :s-smilie:
Reply 13

And yeah, I see what you mean. And one of the questions I thought was ambiguous-the one about being cold. I thought that it could be the hot drink or the gloves. I put the gloves in the end.

it couldn't have been the hot drink because they said le main which is the word for hand.

i didnt think the test was too bad, i didnt like the first question where you had to say if they were eaten in moderation or whatever. i always do worst in the section in english but i don't think i did as bad in it as i have done in past papers.
Reply 14
what idd everyone put for the very last yeastion on the english section

for 2 marks i put that the locals didnt have enought money to buy the fish and that the fish was being exported does this sound about right

and there prefered work question what did everyone put for each og those sections i put he works in a bureau and utilser le ordinateur.
no i put utilise le ordinateur and utilise le interent et le mel but i dunno. i found it fairly hard. lets hope i get good grades.
Did they say main? Ah well, I missed that :tongue:. Well, I still put the gloves anyway.

For the first one I got Sallt Never, Fish often and Eggs in moderation. Does that sound right to you?
yep thats what i got too
Did anyone else get that the woman was shocked because people in Madagascar couldn't afford fish? :s-smilie:

Edit: Ohh, didn't read everything.
no i put utilise le ordinateur and utilise le interent et le mel.

same here. And one of the others was helping the customers with the shopping as she gets more money :P.