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There are multiple events, you get information in the post nearer to the time.
Reply 2
Thanks for your reply.
you'll probably get 2 ball-type things, one formalish and one less so (in a club i think), plus theme nights e.g. they had beach and cowboys last year i think...
Reply 4
Lawyers get their own fortnight of increible fun, so do medics i thik (and maybe a few others, but not 100%)
Reply 5
Lawyers get their own fortnight of increible fun, so do medics i thik (and maybe a few others, but not 100%)

Woooo! :biggrin:

Last year the Lawyers had a long weekend in France! No joke.
Reply 6
is freshers 'week' a week or a fortnight!?
Reply 7
Depends on the Uni and department.
hanji fresher week taun bas fresh fudi mildah...hor ki chaidah??? taukhla kurieh!!!
Reply 9
ooooooohhh freshers week, ovi london vich, meh ta fresh fuddi leh leh ke unfresh kardani, nale cholavechola me teri lan katni je mere kol aya,
hai plz!!! emi hun menu sharam aundhiah!!! mere fudi vi laal hogiya...hai chaadeh plz!!! menu jaalende!!!
Bundy chundy bundy chundy.
Um, did that make sense? :p:
Reply 12
I so want to meet you ^^

Lawyers Fortnight included Paintballing, France trip (not a weekend, just a booze cruise one day, but it started at 5.30am and ended around 1.00am the next day), Comedy Store Visit, Pub Crawl (with alot of Burlington Berty being sung), Thames cruise ball, Thames "duck" tour with Tate modern visit, speed dating, pub quiz, and a sheisse load of other stuff i just cant remember at the moment.
Is the fresher's week before the date of the start of the course? Or do we arrive on 24th Sep and first week is a fresher's week?
Reply 14
I want a long weekend in France and paintballing ;dry;
Modern languages my ass I'm switching courses!

And stop speaking in languages I don't understand:hmmm:
Reply 15
Vi kan da også bare snakke dansk :biggrin: hehe

so who's planning a 5 man stunt... aka streaking naked on UCL grounds :biggrin:?
Reply 16
I'll be a spectator
Reply 17
The freshers week nomrally does have a ball... but they also have better events during the week. They have a "cow - boy" party and a general thing at the ministry of sound.
Reply 18
I wish i was doing law...just for freshers week and then change back to my course again...all their activities sounds fun! :frown:
As the title suggests, what type of stuff is usually planned for freshers' week? Is there a Freshers' Ball etc

Probably a giant week long piss-up.