The Student Room Group
Are you first year or second year? You sound like you must be a first year if you don't know the place at all - so why aren't you going into halls? I would if I were you.
sorry, i am familiar with rusholme its aka the curry mile.( maybe i shud have rephrased the question.) but i just wanted to know wot everyone else 4t of the place. whether they like it or not/general consensus
I'm living there next year, to be honest it's not my ideal place but I'm thinking positively about it. I'd definitely be scared there at night and would never go out alone then. We shall see I guess...
Q: "should i live in rusholme"
A: No
. . because .. .???
There is nothing wrong with living in Rusholme?
Why would there be? I live in Rusholme and it's all good and my new house next year is there.
Realistically going out alone at night anywhere is a silly!
I've had police notices posted through my door about things which have happened [e.g. attacks/rapes etc] in Fallowfield more often than Rusholme.
It's all about the same place anyways, whats the problem?
i 4t rusholem wud be a good place to live cos its a stones throw away from uni; means u get up later for uni and get home quicker after uni; and also i do love a curry . . and easy transport (bus)

but ppl on this form are saying its not nice; so i'm just curios as to why
Reply 8
Rusholme - I went last July.

Overcrowded, noisy, too many Indian restaurants, too many asians! lol.

A place where you can get stress and not peace and quiet.

Didn't like it!
Depends where in rusholm...

Wilmslow road area is fine, if your meaning more towards mosside end then its a bit dodgy.:wink: