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Reply 1
I prefer CGP because of the stupid jokes :biggrin:
Reply 2
CGP except for their Biology one.
oh you've gotta love the CGP jokes
Reply 4
I prefer CGP because of the stupid jokes :biggrin:

from the revision for these gcses i have come to the conclusion, i h8 cgp!!! so much bludy colour,underlining, one ordianry sentence has most words underlined, lots of pointless colour on each page, not to mention those jokes!! *skin is great,just like my cat,except it has claws** etc etc silly waste of ink!
Reply 5
No way I disagree ^

Its much more interesting. If it was black and white with no pictures, Id stop reading straight away.
Reply 6
CGP and BBC Bitesize are awful ... yes some of its ok but not very up to date in parts.

Collins , Lonsdale and letts - MILES BETTER!
Reply 7
Ben Kerin
CGP and BBC Bitesize are awful ... yes some of its ok but not very up to date in parts.

Collins , Lonsdale and letts - MILES BETTER!

i agree
Reply 8
to be honest, i like neither:frown:

bitesize is OK, it's just that they've compressed things too much and yeah, i don't like revising through the internet as it doesn't really go to your head unless you're absorbed into some loooong articles about a particular subject.

CGP, not only was i put off by the so-called 'dangerously closed to being funny' the contents are also very brief and i can NEVER understand them properly. they always put up 'the golden rule' of this and that and then you're confused how you should apply it. but that's if you're talking about the 'thin' ones. the 'thick' edition (dunno the name) was awesome, they should stop with the 'brief' ones and promote the other edition. leik my geography textbook....mmm, i can eat the contents haha ^_^

but nuthin beats nelson's, letts' and collins':biggrin: lonsdale's awright, abit too brief tho, don't like the font text as it gives me headaches:s-smilie:
Reply 9
music CGP: air guitar ;danceboy; :thrasher:;danceboy;
A-level Maths : Cows!! :sheep: :thrasher: :sheep:
Reply 10
CGP are my saviours in many of the subjects where I have teachers that are a bit... well... crap! LOL! So I have used CGP for maths, science, geography, history and english lit... HOWEVER I do think it depends on the subject. For instance I didn't think that the french one was that good, but for the subjects where you just have to regurgitate facts CGP are brilliant!!! CGP are solely responsible for getting me through my science module tests and I am still relying on them to pull me through chemistry and physics! LOL! That said, the Lonsdale one for additional material science is brilliant: it is to the point, concise and has lots of pictures.
Personally, I don't like either. According to my friend Bitesize is sometimes incorrect, I doubt that, but I'd suggest a book specific to the exam board. For example, Lonsdale are good for my AQA Science exams.
Reply 12
I use the Lonsdale books for AQA English & Double Science. They're really good because the Lonsdale Double Science Award, gives you "Key Points" of each module, which is helpful :smile:
Reply 13
from the revision for these gcses i have come to the conclusion, i h8 cgp!!! so much bludy colour,underlining, one ordianry sentence has most words underlined, lots of pointless colour on each page, not to mention those jokes!! *skin is great,just like my cat,except it has claws** etc etc silly waste of ink!

couldn't agree more. To a point it's entertaining but at the end of the day you want to learn something, not be distracted by stupid pictures and crap jokes.

The worst CGP "joke" i've ever seen was in the music GCSE revision guide. It just had a picture of a lemon, labelled "lemon...yummm" next to this picture of a stave. I will never know why
Reply 14
C'mon, it's an attempt to make revision slightly more bearable.

Worst joke (although I can't help but laugh every time I hear it, it's just SO stupid!) = at the bottom of a page in the Physics book, it says "Have you learnt all of this? Isotope so!" :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Although be careful, apparently CGP is no where near detailed enough to give you an A* or A (according to multiple teachers).
Reply 15
C'mon, it's an attempt to make revision slightly more bearable.

Worst joke (although I can't help but laugh every time I hear it, it's just SO stupid!) = at the bottom of a page in the Physics book, it says "Have you learnt all of this? Isotope so!" :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Although be careful, apparently CGP is no where near detailed enough to give you an A* or A (according to multiple teachers).

Surely CGP is good enough for A*? It has everything you need to know - from what I've seen on past papers if I used the CGP books it would have everything!

Can anyone confirm this?
Yeah, Bitesize is often wrong. Either that or I've been taught wrong stuff. I can't remember what exactly was wrong, but it was quite a lot-many times while watching the Bitesize programmes which I recoreded I've felt just like screaming at it, cos it was wrong. The worst thing was that it's aimed at foundation students (the science ones), and some will be relying on it purely, and end up putting wrong info down.

As for CGP, I use them occasionally but don't own any books, except ICT from last year and English too, both of which my mum bought last year, as she thought they'd be useful-with ICT our textbook was horrible, and English cos it's one of my worst subjects. But I've not tried any others-I just rely on my notes and textbooks mostly-our Chemistry one's good especially-I think it's lonsdale. And it's close to our notes as our teachers basically teaches out of it. Really, that's all I'd need, it's so good.
Reply 17
Bitesize is very very simplified, which is often very annoying - you can't get an A* on just Bitesize, however, I find it useful to check which bits I need to revise in the most detail (I never do the revision bites, just the tests).

CGP books are good, but again, they make some errors. I've had to cross bits out and change them, but on the whole they're pretty good.

Personally, making hand written notes is the best way to revise in my opinion. It's time consuming, but it does help me to remember things.
Reply 18
They're both pretty rubbish... ok CGP is entertaining but I always find it a little brief.

I love the collins revision guides, they contain practically everything that you need to know =)
A few years ago my friend went on bitesize to look at the essay question for inspector calls, wrote it and planned it as well as she could....then it came up in her exam the next day!! :biggrin: Sometimes bitesize and cgp have a good practise questions which obviously could come up, and are good for another resource of revision.

I personally have a few textbooks, my notes, websites and past papers to revise but I'm a very visual person, and like seeing the information in different formats.