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Reply 1
This is probably going to be moved, but I just want to know if anyone's been rejected from Edinburgh, what subject you'd applied for, what your predicted grades are (and if you know why you were rejected, that would be good too) :biggrin: Tanks!

Ohh, I can offer 4 case study's here...

Me - Accepted for Comp Sci and Electronics.

Male Friend 1 - Rejected for Medicine (no idea why except for the obvious stiff competition for medicine).

Female Friend - Rejected for History (again I have no idea why she had impressive grades and she was applying for law until the last minute when she decided upon History so she had plenty of work placements etc... :confused: ).

Male Friend 2 - Accepted for EE but has decided uponSouthampton instead.
Reply 2
I was rejected from Edinburgh for Modern European Languages and European Union Studies. I'm predicted AABB. No idea why i was rejected but i didn't really want to go there anyway.

One of my friends applied for History and was also rejected. Predicted AAB.

But 4 people i know where accepted for
Religious Studies (She's the only one actually going to Edinburgh now)
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering

All those courses still have places through UcAs extra whereas the one i was rejected from and History don't so the number of applicants could have something to do with the rejections.
Reply 3
My daughter applied for English and History of Art and was rejected (grades ABCc) but got offers from the other 5 unis. (Firm results, taking gap year).
Reply 4
Male Friend 1 - Rejected for Medicine (no idea why except for the obvious stiff competition for medicine).

my ex-bf was rejected from edinburgh without interview, so were at least 2 other lads from my college. all had excellent results (but don't all medicine applicants?)... someone told me that edinburgh quite often favours scottish candidates over english ones (whether this is true, i don't know)

lou xxx
Reply 5
lou p
my ex-bf was rejected from edinburgh without interview, so were at least 2 other lads from my college. all had excellent results (but don't all medicine applicants?)... someone told me that edinburgh quite often favours scottish candidates over english ones (whether this is true, i don't know)

lou xxx

Maybe it is, I probably sound quite Scottish over the phone. Its a bit wierd though, only two other people I know have actually considered university in Scotland....I would have thought more people would fancy an extra year of partying or maybe the chance to delay the decision about thier degree. :confused:
Reply 6
Maybe it is, I probably sound quite Scottish over the phone. Its a bit wierd though, only two other people I know have actually considered university in Scotland....I would have thought more people would fancy an extra year of partying or maybe the chance to delay the decision about thier degree. :confused:

hehehe... as if. you forgot to mention the low offer :smile:. the people i know rejected were all for medicine (edinburghs med dept is really good) so maybe it's only really competitive subjects.

lou xxx
Reply 7
lou p
hehehe... as if. you forgot to mention the low offer :smile:.

lou xxx

Clearly they ignored this particular perk for me. :rolleyes: Although I suppose for a department that can claim to be on of the best in the country it's probably alright to ask for good grades. Doesn't make that maths grade come any easier though!!! :biggrin:

On the up-side, I've just got another job which means I'm one step closer to the shirt I want to buy....YAY me!!! :biggrin:
Reply 8
Clearly they ignored this particular perk for me. :rolleyes: Although I suppose for a department that can claim to be on of the best in the country it's probably alright to ask for good grades. Doesn't make that maths grade come any easier though!!! :biggrin:

On the up-side, I've just got another job which means I'm one step closer to the shirt I want to buy....YAY me!!! :biggrin:

what job? a computery one? well done whatever it is... *does funky dance cos she can drive as of this morning*

you'd be proud of me, i need a new computer for uni and i'm going to build it completely myself this summer :smile:

lou xxx
Reply 9
lou p
what job? a computery one? well done whatever it is... *does funky dance cos she can drive as of this morning*

you'd be proud of me, i need a new computer for uni and i'm going to build it completely myself this summer :smile:

lou xxx

How ironic, your going to build a computer for yourself and I now build them for a living (well till uni anyway :rolleyes: ). I applied to be a technical help person but the guy who interviewed asked if I'd be interest in being a "build specialist" (it sounded impressive so I said yes), I realised when he introduced me to my manager that I was actually going to be a sparky and build computers to order (better than being on a phone line :wink: ).

Well done on the driving, looks like we've both had decent days!!! :biggrin:
Reply 10
How ironic, your going to build a computer for yourself and I now build them for a living (well till uni anyway :rolleyes: ). I applied to be a technical help person but the guy who interviewed asked if I'd be interest in being a "build specialist" (it sounded impressive so I said yes), I realised when he introduced me to my manager that I was actually going to be a sparky and build computers to order (better than being on a phone line :wink: ).

Well done on the driving, looks like we've both had decent days!!! :biggrin:

thankyou. i'm only building my own cos my bf thinks it'll be funny to watch me do and he said he'd show me how to do it all properly*while we both know he will end up doing it all while i mess around and annoy him like he did last night when i needed to fit myself a new dvd drive*

lou xxx
Reply 11
lou p
thankyou. i'm only building my own cos my bf thinks it'll be funny to watch me do and he said he'd show me how to do it all properly*while we both know he will end up doing it all while i mess around and annoy him like he did last night when i needed to fit myself a new dvd drive*

lou xxx

Well at least us computing students are useful for something. If all else fails, myself and your b/f can open up our own build shop.....although I'd kinda like the whole millionaire thing to work out if Im honest. :biggrin:
Reply 12
I got rejected for Politics and French, as did a friend of mine. My prediction was ABB, she's done her A levels and has AAA. I genuinely think that Edinburgh does discriminate against non-Scots students, but thats their insular culture for you. I was gutted at the time, I was going to learn Danish as a third subject too, and was looking forward to it. I don't care now because my Cardiff course will be much better-two years in France!
Reply 13
Ah, that's what I didn't want to hear ... I have ABB, want to apply to do languages, will be doing an extra 2 A-Levels next year as well as stints teaching and working abroad PLUS I'm already living in Edinburgh but I suspect as I'm English they may well tell me where to go. Thing is, all the students I meet here are either foreign or posh English, so I don't get it :confused:
Reply 14
Thing is, all the students I meet here are either foreign or posh English, so I don't get it :confused:

I assure you this will change when / if I arrive!!! I am an uncultured Brit and I'm about as posh as Alf Garnet!!! :wink:

I don't know where this idea that all Edinburgh students are derived from the English upper-middle class came from though?!? :confused:
Reply 15
I assure you this will change when / if I arrive!!! I am an uncultured Brit and I'm about as posh as Alf Garnet!!! :wink:

I don't know where this idea that all Edinburgh students are derived from the English upper-middle class came from though?!? :confused:

It because Edinburgh is "posh as fook".
Reply 16
I assure you this will change when / if I arrive!!! I am an uncultured Brit and I'm about as posh as Alf Garnet!!! :wink:

I don't know where this idea that all Edinburgh students are derived from the English upper-middle class came from though?!? :confused:

Point one - me too! I haven't managed to make a difference yet tho!

Point two - (and I live here) Because it's true? :tongue:
I feel that richer English students would more easily able to able to afford the travelling expenses to get up to Edinburgh, and the four year course. Also perhaps upper-middle-class students see university as a cultural experience, and are thus willing to journey a long way to go to a nice city like Edinburgh.

I'm surprised to see that at the moment more people were rejected than got offers!
Reply 18

I'm surprised to see that at the moment more people were rejected than got offers!

They get like 7 or 8 applicants per place so its not really that surprising. :smile:

I'm still not convinced about the posh people thing, although it would be nice if a rich hottie wants to let me drive her Jaguar X-type. :wink:
They get like 7 or 8 applicants per place so its not really that surprising. :smile:

But then again most people apply to six universities, so they could bank on a fair proportion (possibly as high as 5 out of 6) of the people to whom they give offers declining them. However this year they did have the highest increase of applications of any UK university (14% or something).

What I don't really understand is why Edinburgh makes so many BBB offers when it rejects so many people who will get at least BBB. I know second year entry has higher grades, but arts courses don't offer that.