The Student Room Group

Scar from Cigarette Burn?

Got burnt on the forearm by a cigarette last night - do they usually leave a scar? It hurt quite a bit at the time, and burnt away a bit of the skin the size of the cigarette end. Didn't bleed at all though and doesn't hurt now. Any tips, or advice for aftercare?

At least, if it did scar, it could serve the purpose of a memory. :smile:

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Reply 1
didnt scar me :smile:
No it won't, it's probably the mildest form of a burn you can get.. it'll go away soon. Put some burn cream on it, a dab of antiseptic and put a plaster on.
Reply 3
I've got a few scars from cig burns from when I worked in a pub. What I found was if someone just brushed you with their fag then it didn't do much, but this one time I was getting the glasses in and someones hot fag ash landed on top of my hand and i couldn't shake it off with my hands full of glasses so it was there for a good 30 seconds, I was in pain and I have a little scar there now.
Reply 4
^^ Ouch!

Yeah, I've had them a lot before and they were fine, but thy never hurt as much as this one did so wanted to check!
Reply 5
You can't really see mine as it's right next to my knuckle.

I hope it doesn't scar for you, scars aren't exactly the nicest of things.
Reply 6
I dropped a fag down my top and ended up with a lovely burn on one of my boobs - thankfully that didn't scar, haha. Neither did the many I've got on my arms, and I usually scar relatively no, none of my burns have scarred.
It should heal hopefully. Sounds quite bad. Hope it heals!

At least you can looks forward to 1st July

*hides like a coward under a rock to hide from the cigarette stubs hurled at mishmashystuff*
No shouldn't do, well highly unlikely it won't. Don't worry and if it does there are tonnes of creams you can use to make the scarring vanish :smile:
Reply 9
Haha, 1st July means nothing to me cause we've had the ban for over a year here in Scotland! It happened outside anyway.
Reply 10
Flaunt it? Be like "oooohhh look what I gooottt!!!" jst dont over do it, you might up with another... lol
Haha, 1st July means nothing to me cause we've had the ban for over a year here in Scotland! It happened outside anyway.

So that's why I see so many Scots lately in England...

Well I hope it gets better anyway. :hugs:
Reply 12
Ah this reminds me of when my friend burnt a smiley face into his hand with about 7 cigarette stubs and then poured lime and whiskey over it. It went black and puss oozed out of it for weeks... he had to get the necrotic tissue cut out...
Reply 13
Guessing he wasn't at his best that night then :biggrin:
I've got one, and the scar serves as a permanent monument (of sorts) to one of the dopiest friends I'll ever have.
Reply 14
Use aloe vera on burns. One of my friends got burnt really badly with a sparkler and used aloe vera - no scar! xxx
It could possibly scar depends on what knid of healer you are :smile:
I have scars from gnat bites :s
Reply 16
Me too! I scar so annoyingly easily. One of my friends once accidently gave me a paper cut on my arm, it left a scar. Haha. But aloe vera gel is supposed to be the god-send for scars. Will try it next time my friend tries it again. haha. xxx
Reply 17
Guessing he wasn't at his best that night then :biggrin:
I've got one, and the scar serves as a permanent monument (of sorts) to one of the dopiest friends I'll ever have.

Oh no.. he was perfectly sober.. he's crazy though :biggrin:
Reply 18
aww, bet that hurt! It will probably go away, but if it looks really bad afterwards, there are cosmetic things you could do with it.
I have a scar on my boob from fag ash. I was wearing a low cut top, was dancing with a fag. Ash dropped on my boob. Didn't notice it for a while as I was very drunk and when I finally felt the pain it was agony! Was running around trying to get my top off to wipe it away.