I understand where you're coming from, but it's more of the concept that the short course GCSEs are ones which may help you in life, but there needs to be a simplistic course for them if you don't want to specialize in that particular subject area. For instance, I do short course Welsh and short course R.S. Both of these are useful in life: I live in Wales, and towards the South a lot of people speak it as their first language; RS teaches ethics and life skills. Although they seem fairly common-sense and the exams aren't too difficult, they can help in life as well. I enjoy speaking Welsh, but don't want to take up an option doing it as a full course as languages don't interest me, nor does religion.
We don't take RS seriously; our teachers just put videos on all the time. But then you look at it, and you just need to learn about 10 things from a particular religion such as a festival, a welcoming ceremony, some basic beliefs on ethics and around half of the paper is based around your opinion. It's those "Do you agree or disagree with this statement?" questions, where you get say 6 marks for explaining your own opinion lol.
The same goes for our Welsh really. We learn loads in class, but you don't need to know loads about the language to do well in the exam. I won't do anywhere near as well as I'd like to, but you get quite a few marks for grammar, punctuation etc, so lets see what happens!!
Also, on your CV/Job Applications, they don't really ask if it's half of a GCSE or not. It just asks for the subject, so you just put down "Welsh - A" or similar.