The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Kings Play Chess On Funny Glass Stools

was the one we used...
Reply 2
Kings Play Chess On Fancy Gold Squares.
King Philip Can Only Find Green Socks

Thats the one we were given
keep putting cabbages on fat greasy sandwiches
Reply 5
The one my teacher made up and taught us was:
K P crisps offer families great savings.
Reply 6
king phylum caught other friends giving silver
Reply 7
king prawn curry or fat greasy sausages.
Some amusing ones tho
Reply 9
my teacher just said KP COFGS keep saying it (it sounds like KP cofgus but without a U)
Reply 10
king prawn curry or fat greasy sausages.

That's in the book lol that's the one I've learnt!
Reply 11
Keep Penis Clean Or Forget Great Sex!
Reply 12
hahahah thats the funiest ive heard lol, did ur teacher tell u that 1?
Reply 13
Kevin, please come over for gay sex.

or Kittens Prefer Cream Or Fish, Generally Speaking

That's my favourites :biggrin:
Reply 14
hahahha!!! "Kevin, please come over for gay sex" - GENIUS!

i wish i had that mnemonic when i had to learn it.

my teacher just told me to remember it as "K P COF GS" said as "kay pee cough gees" which was soo lame but it worked well for me :smile:
hahahah thats the funiest ive heard lol, did ur teacher tell u that 1?

No this thread has been done before....:rolleyes:
Reply 16
Keep Plucking Chickens Or Face Getting Sacked