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Reply 1
Anyway, went to Balliol, walked around asking for a 3rd year PPEist in the frst VIII who's helping out at the Open Day.
Baz, according to a blond, rowing 1st year Chemist called Emma, you don't exist :tongue: :rolleyes:
Probable because people around Balliol don't call me Baz...
Reply 2
Probable because people around Balliol don't call me Baz...

lol, does "bazthemoney" study here?

Reply: "No..."
Reply 3
But I didn't mention any name! Just a 3rd year PPEist...(apparently, none were around for the open day or summat). :rolleyes:

Met Joshi, Morrison and Blackmun. Merton's perfect... :smile:
I was there yesterday, but mainly because I'm hanging around Henley so there would be little point in me going home for 2 days, then coming back to Oxforshire everyday. We're quite reluctant to give out any details, so unless she new exactly want you mean, she probable would of said can't help.
Reply 4
I may be completely frivolous, but I'm not that silly! :tongue:

But I know a certain person who does a lot of bad ideas, could that be you by any chance? :wink:
Reply 5
Shrug. It was fairly amusing and I got a tour of Balliol. It's bigger than it looks and there's a lion pasted everywhere. Very nice library.

The T-shirts all the Balliol students were wearing were pretty cool. At Merton, trying to find a student instead of a prospective one was more a case of asking everyone and hoping you might bump into the minority. Anyway, Merton = great...yes. :redface:

Ignore my ramblings. I'm a bit incoherent today. Too tired and wore very unsensible shoes. Blisters.

:eek: You mean you've actually made a decision?! You've decided on the course and the college. I never thought I'd see the day!
Reply 6
Shrug. It was fairly amusing and I got a tour of Balliol. It's bigger than it looks and there's a lion pasted everywhere. Very nice library.

The T-shirts all the Balliol students were wearing were pretty cool. At Merton, trying to find a student instead of a prospective one was more a case of asking everyone and hoping you might bump into the minority. Anyway, Merton = great...yes. :redface:

Ignore my ramblings. I'm a bit incoherent today. Too tired and wore very unsensible shoes. Blisters.
You mean that lion? (up by my name) He's the college symbol/badge/crest, whatever you want to call it. The boathouse door have a big red lion painted on them.
Reply 7
:eek: You mean you've actually made a decision?! You've decided on the course and the college. I never thought I'd see the day!

Naaah, it's a phase - 4 weeks time, Cambridge Economics it shall be. :tongue:
Reply 8
What's your latest stance on Oxbridge, Ellie?

I'm as indecisive as you are. I'm leaning towards PPE again now :eek: I really don't know! Argggggh. I think you're right to go with your feeling though, you seem like the Merton type :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 9
I can see why you chose it as your avatar now. You're constantly surrounded by it...must have serious lasting effect on all students :tongue:

It's a just bit unnerving seeing everything in college colours and the college crest, well...everywhere.
Somepeople are very college proud, and would happily their college's colours everyday they're around Oxford - we had our fair share of those at Balliol. :rolleyes:
Reply 10
I applied to Keble (as my first-choice college)... stayed there for 3 nights during the interview period, and loved it! When you wake up in the morning, the sun reflects off all the red buildings and it's... wow! The people there seemed really nice too!

I have been offered a place at Oxford (providing I get 3 'A's). My offer was from Exeter though, which is also really really nice, but doesn't look quite as impressive as Keble... :rolleyes: I personally prefered the atmosphere at Exeter, so I'm not complaining...

Still have to get the grades though :frown:

My sister goes to Keble, so if you want someone to talk to from there, just give me a buzz and I'll give you her email. :smile:
Reply 12
Cool, thanks.
Reply 13
Somepeople are very college proud, and would happily their college's colours everyday they're around Oxford - we had our fair share of those at Balliol. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, much as I love the place I can't quite see myself having my college crest as my avatar :redface:
Hmmm, much as I love the place I can't quite see myself having my college crest as my avatar :redface:
He's got now... :frown: (Even if the replace is crap quality - not the actually design though, just the way it's been saved)
Reply 15
To Weirdo, what subject did you apply for? I've been offered a place at Keble and might have been there when you wre there for interviews. I also had an interview at Exeter, that's really nice too.
Reply 16
Hmmm, much as I love the place I can't quite see myself having my college crest as my avatar :redface:

The Robinson crest seems quite cute. Not a fluffy squirrel, but the next best thing :biggrin:.
{has some more dreams of getting in}
Reply 17
I've just come back from Keble... it's amazing! The whole building area and the central grass area... amazing. And went to one of Martin Wood's (I think that was his name) lectures at the end which was pretty amazing. There is no chance I will apply anywhere else.... its just way too nice there to even look elsewhere. (although glimpses of Trinity, St. John's and Balliol are all pretty nice as well).

Anyone go to Keble here?

Martin Wood is the name of the lecture theatre

I assume the proximity to the physics complex influenced your decision in no way :wink:
Reply 18
To Weirdo, what subject did you apply for? I've been offered a place at Keble and might have been there when you wre there for interviews. I also had an interview at Exeter, that's really nice too.

I applied for mathematics and computer science.. I was at Keble from the 14th to the 17th (December)
Reply 19
Martin Wood is the name of the lecture theatre

I assume the proximity to the physics complex influenced your decision in no way :wink:

Ahhh ok, that makes sense.. so the lecturer was probably not Martin Wood!