I've lived with some form of depression for the past nine, ten years. I'm nineteen in August. Go figure.
For me, it's very real. It's very there. I know when I'm "okay", I know when I'm "neutral", and I know when I'm at my lowest of my lows and I know when I want to kill myself...
People who are depressed, who are REALLY, TRULY depressed...they see the world in a completely different way to others. Like goodLife says - it's a negative perception of life.
What I can't stand is that doctors tend to wait until something's HAPPENED, i.e., self-harm, suicide attempt, etc., etc., before they take depression seriously. I KNOW I've had it for this long, and yet I was told that despite a suicide attempt I had a few years ago, despite the fact that I CONTINUE to think about Doing Something Stupid, I was told to "go for a bit of a walk", that I wasn't "really depressed", and that I just felt a "bit sad" at times.
It's like...how far does a person have to go?! It annoys me when people think depression = self-harm, suicide, etc. It means so much more than that. It's the THOUGHTS as well as the actions.