The Student Room Group
Reply 2
there wasnt enough space for the religious experience ones but my notes on that were rubbish anyway.
Reply 3
AAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!! That is sooooo sweet of u! Sadly i think im doing different subtopics as mine are .. life after death, body and soul, religious experience, religious language and miracles! I think that was last years but Thank you so much anyway, so nice of ya 2 share them! xxxx
Reply 4 are doing philsophy of religion 2, i am doing philosophy of religion 1 =) try, they have lots of good stuff but in a quite short notey type of way. and loooooaaads on religious language.
Reply 5
Thank u! x
I have lots of notes all typed up if u still want them? I am currently killing myself trying to learn them all - i have worked out that if i learn a little over 2/3rds of the sylabus tho, i SHUD be fine. Personal msg me ur e-mail addy if u do n i'll send em over
This website is also very good:

scroll down to the bottom of the page and all the topics are there (altho not in quite enuff detail)

good luck for tomorrow! hopefulli coz we r all finding it hard to learn the stupid amount of stuff, the grade boundries will be low

jess x
Reply 7
thats all the as work. a good site is TSAS (thorpe saint andrews school) they have pdf files covering the enitre a level course, ethics and philosophy. - put that iin your address bar, click on a level to the left, go down the page where it says to go to alevel notes, username- alevel, password- anselm, and there you have the entire course in pdf files, you can thank me later!
Reply 8
JAy P, these notes are awesome!

Reply 9
Those notes are great, shame we only found out about it the day b4 the exam lol, but thanks anyway
Becca x
Reply 10
Thank u! They are wicked notes xox